Undecember has a series of equipment and gear to make your character stronger. The higher the item grade, the harder it is to obtain.
Gear and equipment grade in this game is as follows;
Normal grade: gives you base stats and is easy to get from mob drops.
Magic grade: aside from base stats, these give you additional options to enhance depending on the item.
Rare Grade: gives you base stats as well as up to 6 additional options to enhance.
Unique Grade: this grade has its own set of enhancements and sets options according to the equipment or item.
Legendary: base stats and up to 8 enhancements with 2 of these as legendary exclusive enhancements depending on the type of gear or equipment.
With the Legendary equipment being very hard to come by, players are opting to farm for Unique equipment mainly because it’s easier to come by and these items are dropped fully enhanced with their own set depending on the item.
In this guide, we will be talking about how to prepare yourself to acquire unique equipment to make your character stronger in Undecember.
How to Get Unique Equipment in Undecember
Image Source: Werday1412
Sadly, there’s only one way to get unique equipment, or any good equipment for that matter. And that’s through random drops from mobs.
With that said, the only way for us to get these unique items is by raising our chances for good items to drop.
Find a decent set of magic armor
The first thing you should do is find yourself a good set of magic-grade armor. You can also go for rare armors but at this stage, refining items will be hard to come by so magic armors which are the lowest grade that you can enhance will be optimal for your farming gear.
Upgrade your items to get item drop rarity
Once you have your set of gear, proceed to upgrade or enhance it to Unlock the option of item drop rarity.
Some gears are obtained with that enhancement already so you can also use those and upgrade it to increase the item drop chance.
Now you know how to get unique equipment in the game. With these set items equipped, you will now have a higher chance to obtain good loot and with luck, even be able to find unique equipment as you grind.