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Rumbleverse: Health Regeneration Guide | How to Heal

There are a number of ways to gain health in Rumbleverse. Knowing what these items are and what they do is going to increase your chances of getting on top of the ranks.



 The Game scatters a lot of items on the map. Some items are for stamina, weapons and attack. Knowing what items do what, and when to use them effectively would make your game a lot easier as you brawl along to the top.

Health Regeneration Guide in Rumbleverse

Let us focus on health items in the game. There are about three items that your health and 1 perk that can be unlocked by filling up a meter on the lower right side of your screen.

You fill those up by connecting with hits in the game and once it’s full, it unlocks a random perk. Here is the list of items to look out for that would affect your health in Rumbleverse.

Core Powder

The Core powder is a health item that adds 100 hit points to your max life. This is one of the first things that you should look for because amassing these early on, makes you more durable in the game.

There is a limit on how much core powder you could use in the game. It maxes out at 10. If you use your core powder and upgrade your life to the fullest, it should give you around 2250 max health.

The Big Chicken

The Big Chicken is your standard upgraded potion in the game. Using it will heal 300 health points in the game. It also has 2 charges so you might want to hoard and hide those for a rainy day or when things get hairy health-wise.

The regular chicken leg is your standard potion. Like the big chicken, it also restores 300 health points. The difference between these two items is that with the regular chicken you could only use it once.

Where to Find Health Items

These items are littered all around the map. Sometimes they are hidden in crates or boxes. Just smash those boxes to see if it contains any health items for you to use.

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