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No Man’s Sky Outlaws: How to Get a Squad

The latest update in No Man’s Sky now allows you to recruit your squad of pilots.



One of the new updates on No Man’s Sky Outlaws is squads. Players are given the ability to have their own squad by recruiting pilots. In this guide, we will guide you through recruiting them.

How to Get a Squad in No Man’s Sky Outlaws

A lot of new exciting features were added in the new Outlaws Update, one of which is the new squad system where you are allowed to ask pilots to join you in your journey. You can take them to missions or combat whenever you need help.

Recruiting Pilots

In your Freighter, go to your bridge and head to the Fleet Management console. Select Manage Squadron and Install New Bay. The first slot will cost 800 Nanites, the second 3,500 Nanites, 7,500 Nanites for the third, and 10,000 Nanites for the last one.

To recruit a pilot, talk to any NPC pilot in the open universe and press “Recruit lifeform into Squadron”. You can now make a deadly squad that will join your journey.

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