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How to Get a Gun in Dead Island 2

Get yourself a gun so you can start shooting zombies to death.




There are several different types of weapons that you can obtain in Dead Island 2. Each of them has its own unique perks, ranging from amputating zombie limbs to punching them in flames.

Then there are also guns so you can take out zombies from a safe distance. However, as with any other weapon in the game, you don’t start the game with a gun.

This guide will teach you how to get one.

Getting Yourself a Gun in Dead Island 2

Source: Backseat Guides

Luckily, getting yourself a gun in the game is quite straightforward. All you have to do is progress the main storyline until you reach a quest called Justifiable Zombicide.

You should be around level 10-11 at this point.

As part of this quest, you will get an objective that will require you to grab your weapon from a house in Beverly Hills. To complete it, you simply have to follow the quest marker.

There will be some zombies surrounding the area. Make sure to take down all of them before you proceed. You will eventually reach a room with Sam B inside.

Once you enter the room, look to the wall opposite Sam B.

Source: Backseat Guides

You should then spot the Sporting Rifle which is your first gun in the game. Simply approach the weapon and interact with it to pick it up.

With the Sporting Rifle in hand, taking down zombies should be far easier since you can do so from a safe distance.

You can then proceed to complete the quest using your newly found weapon. After your introduction to guns, you’ll then be able to pick up guns that you can find lying around on the ground.

Meanwhile, some can be obtained by completing certain quests, like the REDACTED side quest which will reward you with a legendary assault rifle upon completion.

What You Should Know About Guns

Source: Backseat Guides

Once you have a gun, one important thing you should note is that guns don’t require you to repair them. Unlike melee weapons, guns don’t have any durability, so them breaking down won’t be an issue.

However, you will need ammo in order to use them. Without ammunition, your guns will be pretty much useless. Luckily, you will be able to craft ammo eventually, or you can even buy some from merchants.

Lastly, guns aren’t really that powerful, so it’s a good idea to bring melee weapons with you at all times.

Don’t think of them as replacements for the melee weapons. Rather, consider them a supplementary that you can use if you have to keep your distance from zombies.

ALSO READ: Unique Machete Shark Tooth Location in Dead Island 2

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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