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Wuthering Waves: Nimbus Sanctum Exploration – The Three Fratellis’ Challenge Guide

How do you finish these three challenges by the trio of brothers in Wuthering Waves?



The latest patch of Wuthering Waves includes all sorts of new content. These additions include a new region with a lot of exploration and combat related tasks to complete, and these can give you a whole bunch of useful rewards and valuable resources. In this guide, we will be covering The Three Fratellis’ Challenge that you can do in the Nimbus Sanctum region.

Nimbus Sanctum Exploration – The Three Fratellis’ Challenge Guide

Just like all the other Fratellis’ brothers challenges, you just need to find where they are and do whatever task they ask of you. To start the one in Nimbus Sanctum, head over to the east of the Atrium of Reflections, where you will find Fratello, the first brother.

There, he will ask you to smash the Seamrock. To do this, simply approach the rock nearby and transform into Cuddle Wuddle. Interacting with the rock will put you into a minigame.

What you need to do is press the button whenever the pointer is on top of the yellow highlighted boxes in the squiggly shape on your screen. Repeat this enough times until the progress bar reaches around ¾ completion.

Eventually, the highlight will change from yellow to orange. Once you hit an orange box, you will shift to phase two. Here, you just need to alternate both the left and right buttons (A & D for PC) as fast as possible to build up more progress. Eventually, the Seamrock will be broken, and you can now leave.

Wuthering Waves first challenge location

The next challenge is at the southwest of the region, and what you need to do is to absorb nightmare clouds all around you. Conveniently, we actually already have a guide on how to do this exact challenge. Check out our absorb nightmare clouds in your surroundings guide for more information!

If you need help finding the location, refer to the image below. Head to the highlighted spot of the map and you will find the exact same puzzle as the one in the aforementioned guide.

The basic premise of it is that you need to pull the pillars close to the tipped over pillar in one corner. Once all of the pillars with red nightmare clouds are close to one another, you need to enhance Lottie Lost’s absorption ability by interacting with the book, then use this ability to absorb all of them at once.

Wuthering Waves second challenge location

Next, head over to highlighted spot in the map below. Near the border between Nimbus Sanctum and the Averardo Vault will be another one of the brothers. This one is the exact same challenge as the first one.

The only difference here is that the shape that contains yellow or orange boxes in the first phase will be different. Just try your best to hit all of the highlighted boxes and then complete the alternating button part before the time limit ends, just like the first time.

Wuthering Waves third challenge location

Finally, head over to the northern part of the Nimbus Sanctum to find the final brother. There, your objective will be to pick up pages to complete the unfinished book. To do this, you have to follow the light trail that is formed once the challenge starts.

The only tip we can really give here is to move fast. If you run fast enough, you should be able to follow the trail perfectly for a decent amount of time before it fades away. Once it fades, you will need to rely on your memory to follow the rest of it.

You only need to pick up 75% of the pages, so being completely perfect is not necessary. However, if you want to get it done in one try, move as quickly as you can the second the challenge starts!

Wuthering Waves final challenge location

Once you are done, an Advanced Supply Chest should spawn near the book. This will give you various rewards, including a small chunk of Astrite and a few thousand Shell Credits. Congratulations, you have completed the brothers’ challenge in this specific region!

If you are looking to complete more of these around the new Rinascita region of this update, check out our guide on how to complete the Three Fratellis’ Challenge in Whisperwind Haven to complete even more exploration objectives and satisfy your completionist needs!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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