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WoW War Within: The Pillage of Freywold Village Quest Guide

Help catch the culprits.



“The Pillage of Freywold Village” quest in the War Within is one of the many quests you can find and complete while exploring the Isle of Dorn area. While it isn’t a difficult quest, it can be tricky, especially if you don’t know where to go. The vague quest objectives also don’t help much.

So to help you complete this quest, we will be looking at everything you need to know about “The Pillage of Freywold Village” quest. From where to start this quest to what you need to do to complete it, our guide covers everything.

The Pillage of Freywold Village Quest Guide

Map location of Freywold Village

To find and accept this quest, you will need to make your way to Freywold Village. When you get there, you can accept the quest through Peacekeeper Leif. Peacekeeper Leif is a pretty important NPC in War Within, and your main objective in the “A Sassy Arathi” quest is to find him and talk to him. If you haven’t completed that quest yet, make sure you check out our “A Sassy Arathi” quest guide.

“The Pillage of Freywold” quest is all about finding clues related to the Arathi that were staying at the village. There are a total of 3 clues that you will need to find within the town.

Clue #1

The Innkeeper you need to talk to for the first clue.

The first clue that you will need to collect can be found at the village inn. When you get to the inn, talk to the innkeeper at the front desk to collect the first clue. He will tell you about a book that he found in another room, and this book is the first clue.

After you take the book from the innkeeper, he will suggest that you investigate the rooms in which the Arathi were staying. The second clue that you need to collect can be found in one of these rooms.

Clue #2

So after you are done talking to the innkeeper, go through the doorway right next to him.

Staircase you need to go down from

Going through that doorway will lead you to the main hall of the inn. Make your way to the end of the hall here and go down using the staircase there.

The room in which the Arathi were staying

Once you get down from the stairs, head into the room to your right. This is the room that the Arathi were staying in.

The second clue can be collected from the table in the middle of the room

You can collect the second clue from the table in the middle of this room. The second clue is a badly burnt letter fragment.

The Nightshade Ambusher that will spawn behind you after collecting the second clue

After you collect this clue, a Nightshade Ambusher will spawn directly behind you, blocking the room’s doorway. So when collecting the clue, be ready to fight the ambusher that will spawn behind you.

Clue #3

For the third and final clue, you will need to go to an area right outside the village.

Turn right after exiting the inn to get to the third clue

So after you get the second clue and defeat the ambusher, make your way outside the inn and go rightwards. The location you need to go to will be marked on your map, so you can get there using the indicator provided to you.

You can collect the third clue from the body of an Arathi Soldier

When you get to the marked location, you will find the body of an Arathi Soldier. The third clue that you need is a scribbled note, and it can be collected from the Arathi Soldier’s body.

The 2 Nightshade Ambushers that will spawn when you collect the third clue

Like before, collecting this clue will lead to an ambush. 2 Nightshade Ambushers will spawn behind you this time, so it will be a bit more difficult to take them down. Try kiting backward when fighting them, as good spacing will make it easier for you to take them down. The ambushers can deal some damage to you, but they aren’t very tanky, so you should be able to kill them fairly quickly.

rewards for completing the quest

With all 3 clues in your possession, make your way back to Peacekeeper Leif to complete this quest and collect your rewards. Completing this quest will give you 23 Gold Coins and 40 Silver Coins, a neat little reward for your troubles.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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