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WoW War Within: The Bastion of Hallowfall Quest Guide

Serve some refreshing drinks to your faithful companions!



“The Bastion of Hallowfall” quest is one of the earliest quests that you will come across when you get to the town of Mereidar in War Within. It involves a bunch of pretty important NPCs and is essential to the Mereidar part of the campaign.

Our guide will be looking at where you need to go to start this quest, and with that, what you need to do to complete it.

The Bastion of Hallowfall Quest Guide

Location where you can start the quest

You can accept this quest through General Steelstrike after landing at Mereidar’s port. The image above shows the exact location where General Steelstrike can be found.

Your first objective after starting the quest will be to meet Anduin, Faerin, and Alleria at Empire’s Edge Inn. The location of where you need to go will be provided to you on your map.

Faerin asking you to purchase drinks for the 3 companions at the table

When you arrive at the inn, you will find Alleria, Anduin, and Faerin sitting together at a table. Faerin will then ask you if you could get a round of drinks for them.

Option you need to select after interacting with the innkeeper

So for this part of the quest, you will need to buy drinks for the 3 companions and also serve them the drinks. You can buy the drinks through Nalina Ironsong, Empire Edge’s Innkeeper. Interacting with Nalina will show you a “Purchase a round of drinks” option.

Purchasing the drinks

Select this option to open up all the drinks that the innkeeper has to offer. The drinks that you need to purchase will be called “A Round of Drinks”. You can purchase “A Round of Drinks” using 10 Silver Coins.

Serving the drinks

Once you’ve bought the drinks, go back to the table where Anduin, Alleria, and Faerin are sitting to serve them. You can serve the drinks by simply clicking on the yellow holograms in front of them in the shape of a mug.

Rewards for completing the quest

After placing all 4 drinks on the table, make your way over to Faerin to complete the quest and claim your rewards for completing it. Completing this quest will earn you 17 Gold Coins, 55 Silver Coins, and 8700 XP.

So there you have it, a guide on how to complete “The Bastion of Hallowfall” quest in WoW War Within. “The Bell Tolls” quest is another important quest that you will come across while exploring Mereidar. You can learn more about that quest by checking out our guide on it.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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