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WoW War Within - Rocked to Sleep Achievement WoW War Within - Rocked to Sleep Achievement


WoW War Within – Rocked to Sleep Achievement

Find the 10 legendary Earthen that lost the power to move long ago.



One of the things we got to see in The War Within is a set of new achievements dedicated to this expansion of WoW. “Rocked to Sleep” is one of those new achievements that falls under the “War Within” category of Exploration.

To get this achievement, you need to find and interact with 10 plaques located throughout The Ringing Deeps in various different locations. In this guide, I will give you the locations of all the 10 plaques with their exact coordinates.

Rocked to Sleep Achievement

Plaque #1 – Venedaz

The plaque of Venedaz is located in Gundargaz in the location marked below. The exact waypoint for it is “/way #2214 48.59 31.74 Venedaz“.

You will find a button on the side of a large metal pipe. Interact with the button to register the plaque of Venedaz. You can check your achievements menu to see if it got registered or not. A green tick will appear under the achivement when you interact.

Plaque #2 – Hathlaz

Hathlaz’s plaque is found in the Candleslag Quarry which is located in The Earthenworks. Waypoint for it is “/way #2214 44.23 13.63 Hathlaz“.

You will find Hathlaz’s plaque near a metal wall. Go ahead and interact with it.

Plaque #3 – Uisgaz

The plaque for Uisgaz is found in the Lost Mines area. The waypoint for it is like this “/way #2214 55.03 30.27 Uisgaz“.

You will find Uisgaz’s plaque near two dead creatures at the edge of the cliff.

Plaque #4 – Attwogaz

You will find the plaque of Attwogaz in The Warrens. Set up a waypoint for it like this “/way #2214 62.89 36.48 Attwogaz“.

The waypoint will take you to the edge of a cliff where you will find Attwogaz’s plaque.

Plaque #5 – Sathilga

To find the plaque of Sathilga, make your way to Taelloch. This is the waypoint for it: “/way #2214 64.04 55.76 Sathilga“.

You will find Sathilga’s plaque near a giant mining structure.

Plaque #6 – Gundrig

You can find Gundrig’s plaque in the Lightless Chasm. Waypoint for it is “/way #2214 65.48 83.81 Gundrig“.

When you get to the above marked area, you will find Gundrig’s plaque at the edge of the cliff behind large rocks.

Plaque #7 – Merunth

Merunth’s plaque is located in the Abyssal Excavation not too far from the previous plaque. Set up a waypoint like this “/way #2214 59.22 93.73 Merunth“.

You will find the plaque of Merunth on the surface of a large metal pipe.

Plaque #8 – Alfritha

Make your way to The Living Grotto to get the plaque of Alfritha. This is the waypoint: “/way #2214 48.56 70.71 Alfritha“.

Once you reach the area, you will spot Alfritha’s plaque near the edge of the mountain.

Plaque #9 – Varerko

You will find Varerko’s plaque in The Waterworks area. This is the waypoint for it: “/way #2214 49.39 49.06 Varerko“.

Once you get there, you will find the plaque of Varerko near some foliage.

Plaque #10 – Krattdaz

Krattdaz is the final plaque you need to interact with. It is located in the same area as the previous plaque in The Waterworks. The waypoint for it is “/way #2214 43.14 40.88 Krattdaz“.

You will find Krattdaz’s plaque at the edge of the cliff between the waterfalls.

Once you have interacted with all the plaques, a notification will pop on your screen indicating the completion of the achievement.

And this marks the competition of this guide as well! One thing you might have noticed in WoW is the insane amount of quests available throughout the game. If interested in completing them, then check out our extensive list of quest guides for The War Within which we are constantly updating.

Whether it's the old classics like Final Fantasy, Advance Wars on the GBA, JRPGs like Persona 4 Golden, Disgaea on the Vita or mainstream titles like Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Haider has played them all. Even with 200+ titles under his belt, his passion for gaming is just as strong as it was a decade ago. Writing has given him the chance to spread this passion with others.

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