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WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

Reveal the Order of Night forces and take them out!




“Holy Fire in Rambleshire” is a quest given by Lamplighter Kaerte in WoW: The War Within as part of the “Brotherhood in the Skolzgal Wood” questline.

There seems to be some Order of Night mooks hidden around Rambleshire, and the only way to reveal them is to use thuribles enchanted with the Sacred Flame. They don’t hurt, but the strong flash of light can reveal anything!

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to start and complete the “Holy Fire in Rambleshire” quest.

Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide | WoW: The War Within

Start Location | WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

As the title of this quest suggests, you can start “Holy Fire in Rambleshire” by going to Rambleshire in WoW: The War Within. It’s in the northeastern part of the Isle of Dorn in Khaz Algar, as shown above. You’ll need to find and meet Lamplighter Kaerter in the area. To make it easier, the coordinates for his location are 57.57 and 30.09.

Lamplighter Kaerte up close

Lamplighter Kaerter suspects there are Order of Night members hidden around Rambleshire. However, the tricky buggers are hidden from sight and you’ll need to use Flashfire Thuribles to find them.

Flashfire Thurible | WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

You can use the Flashfire Thuribles by clicking on them in the quest objective log and then aiming them wherever you want. They cover a pretty wide area, thankfully. Aside from revealing any Nightshade Abductors, it will also temporarily blind them and give you the upper hand for a brief moment.

Nightshade Letter | WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

Additionally, you should make sure to loot every Nightshade Abductor you slay as you also need a Nightshade Letter. However, the letter seems to be a random drop so it’s not guaranteed from any specific enemy. You’ll just have to check every one of them until you get it.

Now, let’s find all the 6 Nightshade Abductors hidden in the area!

Nightshade Abductor Locations

Nightshade Abudctor 1 and 2 | WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

The first pair of Nightshade Abductors are directly east of Lamplighter Kaerter, at the approximate coordinates of 58.51 and 29.97. Throw the Flashfire Thuribles near the Mosswools and you should reveal them.

Nightshade Abudctor 3

Another Nightshade Abductor is hidden near some ranchers southeast of the previous spot. Throw the Flashfire Thurible near the ranchers and you should reveal the enemy. Their approximate coordinates are 58.83 and 29.93.

Nightshade Abudctor 4

The next is directly south of the pair of ranchers, by the entrance to a stable. Throw the Flashfire Thurible near the Shraubendre to reveal the Nightshade Abductor. As for the coordinates, they are approximately 58.91 and 30.41.

Nightshade Abudctor 5

For our fifth Nightshade Abductor, go further southeast within the area’s bounds to reach a barnyard. Throw the Flashfire Thurible near Rancher Fuolem to reveal the Nightshade Abductor. Approximate coordinates are 59.55 and 29.92.

Nightshade Abudctor 6

Lastly, our sixth Nightshade Abductor. Go into the barnyard from before and throw a Flashfire Thurible near the large pile of hay in the center. The approximate coordinates are 59.85 and 29.49.

Quest End Location | WoW War Within: Holy Fire in Rambleshire Quest Guide

With all these Order of Night forces taken care of, go meet with Lamplighter Kaerte again. He will be at coordinates 62.04 and 30.71, marked on the map above. Report your findings to him and you’ll complete the “Holy Fire in Rambleshire” quest for WoW: The War Within!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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