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WoW War Within: Brax’s Brass Knuckles Quest Guide

Rowdy patrons stop misbehaving once they get smacked with these.




“Brax’s Brass Knuckles” is a quest you can start when you reach Gundargaz as you progress through WoW: The War Within.

Innkeeper Brax has lost his brass knuckles, which he really needs in his line of work. Nothing calms down a rowdy patron better than a solid smack in the head, after all! Help Brax find his brass knuckles so he doesn’t have to worry about patrons overstepping their boundaries.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to complete the “Brax’s Brass Knuckles” quest.

Brax’s Brass Knuckles Quest Guide | WoW: The War Within

Brax's Brass Knuckles quest start

You can start the “Brax’s Brass Knuckles” quest by talking to Innkeeper Brax in WoW: The War Within. He’s always at his inn in Gundargaz, in The Ringing Deeps region of Khaz Algar. His coordinates are 47.95 and 32.16.

Talking with Innkeeper Brax

Simply talk to him about his brass knuckles and he’ll tell you about how he lost them when fighting some creatures alongside Watcher Toki. It’s up to you to retrieve them!

Recommended farming spot

The trick is that the only way to get them back is to kill random creatures around Gundargaz. There’s no specific creature to look for and Brax’s Brass Knuckles are a random drop. We recommend heading to the spot encircled in the map above, directly west of Gundargaz. It seems to have the biggest number of roaming creatures. Just slay them all until one of them drops Brax’s Brass Knuckles.

Brax's Brass Knuckles Drop

Once you manage to find the knuckles, return to Brax at the inn and he’ll ask you to pacify 6 Rowdy Patrons at the inn. You just have to approach them and smack them in the head with Brax’s Brass Knuckles.

Pacify the Rowdy Patrons

Rowdy Patron 1

Go down the stairs and into the inn, then turn to your right as you enter the dining hall. The first patron is on a bed on the wall.

Rowdy Patron 2

You can another patron dancing on top of the dining table.

Rowdy Patron 3 and 4

Another pair of patrons are arguing on the eastern side of the inn.

Rowdy Patron 5

One of the patrons is dancing atop a flight of stairs on the northern part of the inn.

Rowdy Patron 6

Lastly, a patron is asleep on the dining hall’s counter.

Smack all the Rowdy Patrons and return to Innkeeper Brax to complete the “Brax’s Brass Knuckles” quest in WoW: The War Within. We hope these patrons learned their lesson so Brax doesn’t have to smack them around later!

While you’re exploring Gundargaz and helping out the Earthen, it’s a good idea to visit Machinist Kittrin. Complete his Broken Tools questline so that he can get back to work.

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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