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WoW The War Within: Bring the Thunder Quest Guide

Fend off the bugs and keep the meadery safe!




The “Bring the Thunder” quest is one of the many side-quests you can take on in WoW: The War Within.

On paper, it’s quite simple! Help Baelgrim at the Cinderbrew Meadery by fending off the swarming nerubians, keeping the mead safe. However, it can get quite hectic due to the swarming enemies never giving you any rest.

To help you out, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to complete this quest with ease.

Bring the Thunder Quest Guide | WoW: The War Within

Bring the Thunder quest location

To start the “Bring the Thunder” quest, talk to Baelgrim at the Cinderbrew Meadery in the eastern part of the Isle of Dorn. Its coordinates are approximately 74.8, 42.2.

The meadery is about to be swarmed by nerubians, and Baelgrim needs your help to fend them off. Accept the quest once you’re ready to start a tower defense minigame.

Placing Traps

First, you’ll have to place 6 different defenses on the 4 lanes marked by arrows. You can find the defenses at the bottom of the screen or by pressing their respective hotkey, which depends on your settings. They are as follows:

  • Sticky Cinderhoney – Spills a puddle of cinderhoney which traps the first 5 grounded enemies that walk through it.
  • Boiling Cinderbrew – Places a vat of boiling cinderbrew. Attacking the vat splashes the cinderbrew on nearby nerubians, guaranteeing that all attacks against them become critical strikes.
  • Explosive Pollen – Places a casket of cinderbee pollen which explodes when hit by your Stormrook’s attacks. The explosion deals great damage to surrounding nerubians but consumes the casket.
All traps placed

How you choose to defend yourself is up to you. The swarms are somewhat random, so there’s no best setup for this quest. However, we highly recommend placing one puddle of Cinderhoney on each of the 4 lanes. You can use any defenses you want for your two remaining slots, but we recommend covering the 2 eastern lanes since they’re the shortest.

Defense Phase

Defense Phase

Talk to Baelgrim once you place the 6th trap to mount a Stormrook and start the defense phase of the quest. The nerubians will start swarming the meadery and you have to use the following Stormrook abilities to fend them off:

  • Lightning Bolt – Fires a lightning bolt wherever you target it. Your main offensive ability here, it has a 1.5s cooldown.
  • Storm Axe – Shoot a blast of strong electricity where you target. It deals high damage and has a wide AoE, so it’s your main tool against groups. It has a 10s cooldown, though, so it’s not very spammable.
  • Static Pulse – Release a burst of electricity surrounding your Stormrook. You’ll use it exclusively to deal with flying swarms that approach you and it has a 1.5s cooldown.
Zirix spawns

Slay enough nerubians and a massive nerubian called Queensguard Zirix will appear from the ground. Focus all of your attacks on Zirix and it should go down rather quickly.

Quest completion

Watch the cutscene after defeating Zirix and you’ll be back on the ground without the Stormrook, with Adelgonn right in front of you. Simply talk to her to complete the quest!

Despite its bittersweet conclusion, that’s the end of the “Bring the Thunder” quest in WoW: The War Within. For something a bit more uplifting, why not help U’llort the Self-Exiled find his lost cap?

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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