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World of Warcraft: Winterpelt Hollow Quest Guide

The Winterpelt Hollow questline features several quests in the chain that you need to complete in order to progress further.




The Winterpelt Hollow is one of the new areas in the Dragonflight expansion. This one is specifically located in the Azure Span, and completing its questline will let you progress the Sojourner of Azure Span achievement.

In this guide, I’ll show you how you can complete the entire questline for Winterpelt Hollow.

Winterpelt Hollow Quest Guide in World of Warcraft

To start, you want to head over to Camp Nowhere and look for NPC Radza Thunderclaw in order to receive your first quest. The first quest on this chain is called “What of the Winterpelt Clan?”, and in this, you need to look for Sonova Snowden at Theron’s Watch.

Simply follow the quest marker to get to the location. Speak with Sonova once you arrive and turn in the quest to complete it. He will then have two new quests available: Aggressive Self-Defence and Hollow Up. You can complete the first one by defeating 6 Winterpelt Furbolgs that you can find within the area.

As for Hollow Up, you will need to uncover 6 clues within Winterpelt Hollow. At the same time, you want to speak to Tyrnokos Sunstrike within the area and accept the Wayward Tools quest.

This quest will involve rescuing 6 Wayward Tools. You can actually complete all 3 quests at the same time since they’re within the same area.

Once you have completed the quests, go back to both Tyrnokos and Sonova to turn them in. Sonova will then give you a new quest called Bear With Me in which you have to help with Sonova’s translation.

There will be dialogue choices for this one, though there’s actually no correct answer. Just pick whichever dialogue you want.

After that, Sonova will then reward you with a few gold coins. Also, he will then give you the final quest in the chain.

Final Part

The Ice Cave You Got There quest is the final quest in the Winterpelt Hollow questline. After accepting the quest from Sonova, you will then have to investigate a certain cave in Winterpelt Hollow. Simply follow the quest marker which will lead you to where the cave is.

Inside, you will encounter some Winterpelt Prisoners as well as Stormshackler Rynea. Defeat all of them and speak to Kranac Sagesnow at the corner of the cave. Once it’s over, simply go back to Sonova to turn in the quest.

This will then conclude the Winterpelt Hollow questline.

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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