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World of Warcraft: Shiverweb Vale Quest Guide

The Shiverweb Vale questline is a chain of quests that involve a handful of quests that you need to complete in order to progress.




The Shiverweb Vale is one of the new areas that you can visit in the Dragonflight expansion. It’s located in the Azure Span region which is part of the new Dragon Isles map. As a completely new location, you can expect to find a handful of quests in this area.

One such quest is the Shiverweb Vale which is a chain of quests involving several subquests. Let’s find out how you can complete it.

Shiverweb Vale Quest Guide in World of Warcraft

To start the questline, you first need to talk to Lilial Dawnburst whom you can find in this part of the map:

She will have two available quests that you can obtain. Make sure to get both quests which are the Eight-Legged Menace and Icy Webs.

As for the Icy Webs, you’ll need to free up 6 Cocooned Survivors in Shiverweb Vale. You can find a lot of them in the area, and all you need to do is interact with them to free them up. For the Eight-Legged Menace quest, you’ll need to kill either 10 Shiverweb Crawlers or Shiverweb Creepers. At the same time, you should also kill 3 Primalist Tenders.

Similar to Icy Webs, you can find these monsters within the area. Since the monsters are near the survivors themselves, you’ll be able to complete both quests relatively quickly. After completing both quests, make sure to turn them in to Lilial Dawnburst to get some rewards.

After turning in both quests, Lilial will then give you a new quest called Grungnir the Explorer. This one is quite easy to complete as all you need to do is look for Grungnir Ironspout. Simply follow the quest marker and interact with him to complete the quest.

Second Half of the Questline

After talking to Grungnir Ironspout, two new quests that are part of the questline will then become available: Dwarven Antifreeze and Primalist Tampering. Make sure to accept both of them. These two quests are relatively easy to complete as well.

Credits: Game Guides Channel

For Dwarven Antifreeze, you just have to loot 6 Flasks of Dwarven Antifreeze from Primalist Infusers within the area. As for Primalist Tampering, you need to retrieve three Frostcallers’ Runestones. You can obtain them by slaying the three Frostcallers who are as follows:

  • Frostcaller Julh’ek
  • Frostcaller Nai’jin
  • Frostcaller Sin’tia

You can find them within the area where the Primalist Infusers are, allowing you to complete both quests at the same time. Same as before, turn them in to Grungnir after completing both quests to receive some rewards.

Final Part

Once you have completed both quests, Grungnir will then give you the final quest of the questline, Kill the Queen. The objective of this quest is pretty simple: you just need to kill the Shiverweb Queen. Simply follow the quest marker which will lead you inside the cave where the boss will spawn.

If it’s not there, just wait for a few minutes for it to spawn. Since this is a boss, it can be a tough battle, so make sure you have the right equipment with you. Having teammates to take on the boss will also make it a lot easier to defeat.

After defeating the queen, go back to Grungnir and turn in the quest. He will then give you the Shiverweb Egg and a few expedition reputations as rewards. This will also unlock the achievement progress for Shiverweb Vale which is part of the Sojourner of Azure Span achievement.

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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