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World of Warcraft: Most Important Thing to Do Before Dragonflight Releases | How to Get Prepared for the New Dragonflight Expansion

Top things to do before the new Dragonflight expansion goes live




The world of Warcraft Dragonflight update is almost at our doorstep. WoW, fans have been clamoring for as much information as possible for the past couple of months.

We have known many things, but the most important one is that it’s coming very soon, probably in a couple of months. But with a new expansion, a lot of previous achievements and items are going to go away forever to make space for the new expansion.

This guide will help you prepare for the coming Dragonflight expansion for World of Warcraft.

How to Get Prepared for the New Dragonflight Expansion

Several items and achievements are going to be phased out once the Dragonflight update goes live. Here are the things to make sure you do or you should get before it officially shows up on our doorstep.

1. Slime cat mount

Jigglesworth Sr. is the Slime Cat mount. This will only be available until Dragonflight launches so it’s best to get your hands on these before they are gone.

2. Mythic plus rewards

Restoration death walker mount

3. Deadline for PVP rewards

Like the Eternal Gladiator’s soul eater

4. Back from the beyond achievements

The Back from the Beyond achievements is not going to be available once the Dragonflight update goes live. These sets of achievements give you achievements like dungeon achievements.

Completion of this achievement series is the Veilstrider title.

5. Go through your bags

Before welcoming the update with huge open arms, make sure your bags aren’t clunky with items that you’re not using anymore.

Take some time to carefully look through your bag and take out a few items that aren’t really worth holding onto anymore.

6. Don’t forget your bank

Like combing your bag, you should also be combing through your bank. Most likely, several items are going to show up that are due for the trash.

Throw away the junk for the new items coming on the highly-anticipated expansion.

7. Tidy up your quest logs. Not messy

8. Pick your profession moving forward

 A new UI and a new quality system are coming up in Dragonflight. So it’s best to  study up on what you want to pursue

9. Customize UI to your liking

A new Customized UI is also dropping on the new expansion.

As such, as early as now you should be double-checking your UI and removing any add-ons you have that you don’t need anymore.

10. Don’t burn out

The most important thing out of all these is to don’t burn out.

Trying to accomplish so much in little time might burn you out, causing you to suck all the joy out of the update before it has even started.

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