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The Exit 8: All Anomalies Guide Featured Image The Exit 8: All Anomalies Guide Featured Image


The Exit 8: All Anomalies Guide

All 31 Anomalies in 1 guide!



The Exit 8 is a recent walking simulator where players navigate through an endless loop of the same underground metro tunnel.

Occasionally, something will change in the tunnel and if you successfully spot it and walk in the opposite direction, you will proceed to the next level.

These anomalies range in difficulty to spot in the game and can only be found across several playthroughs, so here is a guide to spotting all of them. 

Every Anomaly In The Game Guide

1: Misaligned tiles.

The Exit 8 Misaligned Tiles

Usually, the yellow tiles on the floor will appear as a straight line, but this time they will appear in the above symmetrical pattern about three quarters up the tunnel. 

2: Faces in the tiles.

The Exit 8 face in the tiles

This time the single file tiles remain but imprinted onto them are faces, almost like someone has pushed their face into wet concrete. 

3: Shadowy face in the ceiling. 

The Exit 8 shadowy face in the ceiling

Perhaps the most difficult one to find, here you’ll find an ominous face on the ceiling about halfway up the tunnel. Some debate exists over whether this really is an anomaly or just an eery detail from the developers. 

4: The concourse sign is upside down. 

An easy one to spot since the sign is upside down from both the front and the back.

The Exit 8 concourse sign is upside down
The Exit 8 concourse sign is upside down 2

5: Concourse Sign reads ‘Turn Back Turn Back Turn Back…’ 

5: Concourse Sign reads ‘Turn Back Turn Back Turn Back…’  the exit 8

A slightly harder one to find since the yellow side of the sign you see usually remains normal – keep your eyes peeled for this one if you think there aren’t any anomalies to be found. 

6: Red light on security camera.

This camera is about halfway down the corridor and usually is black.

6: Red light on security camera. the exit 8

7:  Ceiling lights misaligned.

7:  Ceiling lights misaligned. the exit 8

Another easy one to spot, all but a handful of the lights appear out of their regular formation along the corridor. 

8: Flickering lights.

8: Flickering lights. the exit 8

Difficult to show through an image but obvious when playing the game, all of the lights will very clearly flicker creating an eery atmosphere. 

9: The lights turn off. 

9: The lights turn off. the exit 8

Another obvious one, but this becomes tricky since visibility will eventually become all but reduced. If you’re not quick to turn around and get out of the corridor when they do go out, then the game will end!

10: Staircase at the end of the corridor.

10: Staircase at the end of the corridor. the exit 8

This might catch players out as even when you are on the final level of the game, you should never see the staircase at the end of the corridor. When you complete the game, you should still have to turn the corner at the end like usual.  

11: Banging on door

11: Banging on door the exit 8

Again tricky to show through an image. As you walk past the door about halfway up, you’ll hear a banging sound coming from behind it. You will also see the door start to shake and rattle, like something is trying to get out from it. 

12: Missing Door. 

12: Missing Door. the exit 8

Another obvious one but easily missed if you’re not paying enough attention. The first door on the left of the corridor will have vanished. 

13: Woman behind the door. 

13: Woman behind the door. the exit 8

Another creepy one, this might not be obvious is rushing through the level. There’s no jump scare either, she will simply just stare at you through the crack in the door. 

14: Doorknob in middle of the door. 

14: Doorknob in middle of the door. the exit 8

This is the final door in the corridor and again can be easily missed if not checking the finer details. 

15: Door swings open. 

15: Door swings open. 

Make sure you have sound turned up for this one since it’s easy to walk straight past. As you move down the corridor it will appear shut like it’s meant to, it isn’t until you walk past the door that it will slowly creak open. Don’t go inside as you’ll receive a game over!  

16: Black ink dripping form the vents. 

16: Black ink dripping form the vents. the exit 8

An atmospheric and eery anomaly that will appear just next to the first door on your right. 

17: No smoking posters. 

17: No smoking posters. the exit 8

Perhaps the most obvious anomaly to be found in the game! How these posters got there is anybody’s guess. 

18: Scary version of poster.

18: Scary version of poster. the exit 8

Another creepy one, this could be easily missed due to how understated it is. The devil’s in the details, this is the second poster on the left of the corridor. 

19: Creepy woman in poster. 

19: Creepy woman in poster. 

We never learn who this woman is, adding to the creepy atmosphere of the game. She can be found in the final poster on the left of the corridor. 

20: Eyes moving on poster. 

20: Eyes moving on poster. 

An incredibly understated anomaly, perhaps even the hardest to spot. This is the last sign to be found on the left of the corridor, where the eyes will just slightly move from the left to the right on repeat. This one is easily missed if you’re not inspecting each individual piece in the game.  

21: Poster moves with you. 

21: Poster moves with you. the exit 8

The same poster as in No.20, except this time it will follow you along the corridor as you move down it. This is only at the end of the tunnel and is the final sign on the left. 

22: Posters all the same. 

22: Posters all the same. 

This one should be fairly easy to spot, all the posters on the right have been replaced with the ‘Make-up Art’ ones. 

23: Growing posters. 

23: Growing posters. 

The posters will start at their regular size before slowly beginning to grow. They grow relatively slowly, so it is not to realise it is even happening until they are suddenly huge! 

24: The identical men. 

24: The identical men. the exit 8

Super creepy! These guys will track your movements with their heads and eyes. If you choose to walk past them, you’ll be faced with a game over. 

25: Camouflaged figure. 

The only true jump scare to be found in the game. If you don’t spot the humanoid figure at the end of the corridor in time, then it will suddenly start sprinting towards you. If you aren’t able to outrun it, it will grab hold of you and initiate a game over. 

25: Camouflaged figure. 

26: Red tidal wave. 

26: Red tidal wave. the exit 8

A wave of red water, or maybe blood, will start gushing around the corner and chase you down the whole corridor. If you don’t react quick enough, it will sweep you off your feet and game over. 

27: Man walking quickly towards you. 

27: Man walking quickly towards you. 

A relatively obvious one, if not a little intense. The man will no longer follow his usual pathway and instead make a beeline straight for you, if he touches you then its game over. 

28: Man is smiling. 

28: Man is smiling. 

Since the man walking down is a staple of every sequence, so it’s easy not to notice this one. He acts as usual, but will have a large grin on his face. 

29: The man is staring at you. 

29: The man is staring at you. 

More or less the same as when he smiles but slightly more obvious since he will stare at you as long as you are in front of him and not behind. 

30: Glitched face. 

30: Glitched face.  the exit 8

This isn’t the game crashing, its one of the anomalies! 

31: Tall man. 

Perhaps the most obvious of all of them, how can you not notice this giant man. 

31: Tall man. 

That’s it for the anomalies, by now you should’ve found them all unlocked the achievements for doing so. A big thank you to the Kikiko for their video breaking these down, which can be found here:【 The Exit 8 】 All Anomalies Compilation.

ALSO READ: The Exit 8: Best Tips & Tricks to Beat the Game

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