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Tekken 8: Paul Phoenix Combat Guide | Best Combos, Moves, Skills, Controls Tekken 8: Paul Phoenix Combat Guide | Best Combos, Moves, Skills, Controls


Tekken 8: Paul Phoenix Combat Guide | Best Combos, Moves, Skills, Controls

Get up to speed on all things Paul Phoenix!

Nedim Fetahovic



With January 26th approaching fast, players from around the world are eager to start playing their character, Paul Phoenix once more. Tekken 8 promises a lot of improved content from its predecessor, Tekken 7. From improved graphics and voice acting, to the new Heat System and combat mechanics.

In today’s article, we’ll delve into the topic of Paul Phoenix, one of the most iconic characters when it comes to the Tekken franchise. We will explore his moves, combos, and skills and give you a guide on how to use him in case you are a new player to the game. Let’s get started!

Paul Phoenix in Tekken 8

Paul Phoenix

As we have already mentioned, Paul Phoenix hails as one of the most iconic Tekken characters of all time. He has been a vital part of the franchise for a long time now, being surpassed in popularity only by the Mishimas.

When it comes to Tekken 8, Paul hasn’t changed that much and his combat ideology mainly stays the same. His combat style revolves around landing single hits instead of strings requiring players to perfect their timing when playing him.

Basic Tekken Moves Identification List for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox

1 – Left Punch (Square for PlayStation), (X for Xbox)

2 – Right Punch (Triangle for PlayStation), (Y for Xbox)

3 – Left Kick (X for PlayStation), (A for Xbox)

4 – Right Kick (Circle for PlayStation), (B for Xbox)

Tekken controls for PC, Xbox and PlayStation
Source: Reddit



As is the case with most other Tekken characters, Jabs are one of the most basic moves you can perform. And while characters such as Jin thrive off of this move, others such as Paul Phoenix have significantly weaker jab variations that leave them vulnerable to counter-attacks.

This is mainly due to the short distance that the jab has, compared to Jin for example who has insane distance and damage when he performs his version of the Jab.

Down – Forward – 1

The Down-Forward-1 variation of the move compared to other characters is mediocre, to say the least. It is better than Kazuya’s, but all things considered, it is much slower and weaker than it was before. Our boy Paul Phoenix got nerfed.

Down – Forward – 2

This move remains largely unchanged from Tekken 7. What Paul lacks in Jabs, he makes up for with this move. This one is a perfect example of a counter-hit attack which, if timed perfectly, does insane amounts of damage.

In addition to this, it can lead to combos to deal even more damage.

Comparison of Paul Phoenix, old-new
Source: YouTube

Quarter – Circle – 1

This move is mainly used as a launch after which you can chain quite a few combos on your opponent. It is best used to counter your opponent’s jabs if he/she keeps spamming them too often.

Death Fist

Performed by pressing Quarter-Circle-Forward-2, the same as was the case with Tekken 7, this move deals massive amounts of damage. Additionally, in Tekken 8, it can now be used as a Heat Engager.


1+2 will deliver a “charged” version of the Death Fist. It knocks back significantly less but it still does decent amounts of damage.

Do note that most of Paul’s moves in Tekken 8 can now be charged. This means that holding the combination for a specific move will charge that move to become even more powerful.

Paul Phoenix Death Fist

Back – 1 – 2

This one is a Punisher move in Paul’s arsenal. It is rare as it is a string move (remember that Paul doesn’t rely on string moves) that is very safe to perform.

Quarter – Circle – Back – 4

Probably the most iconic of Paul’s moves is the Quarter-Circle-Back-4 combo. It remains identical to its version of Tekken 7. Do remember that it is easily countered by ducking. Your opponents can use it against you and chain a combo if you don’t time it right.

Quarter – Circle – Back – 2

This move is slightly different from the previous version of Tekken. It is a Heat-Engager and deals significant amounts of damage per hit.

Demo Man

This is, with the Death Fist, one of the most iconic moves when it comes to Paul Phoenix. Performed by pressing Down+4+2+1+2.

It is quite long to remember but it does reward you by dealing quite a lot of damage and is a very effective combo for finishing off your opponents.

Do note that the range on this move is ridiculously low. This means that it is easy to counter and your opponent can punish you if you don’t time it right.

Paul Phoenix

Back – 1 + 2

Back-1+2 is a power crush. This means that if timed correctly, it will land a hit even through your opponent’s move or counter-attack attempt. A very useful tool to have in your arsenal.

Back – 3

Contrary to many other characters, this move is an instant launch. Very simple to memorize and even simpler to perform, it allows you to chain many different combos after the launch making it very effective against opponents who keep spamming jabs for example.

Down – 1 + 2

This move made it to the list solely because of its damage output. Remember that this move is the most unsafe move you can perform with Paul Phoenix and if timed wrong, it can cost you a lot of health.

Forward – 2

This is a brand new move to Tekken 8 and this move in particular has people talking. It is a punisher move and it deals surreal amounts of damage. In addition to this, it is a Heat Engager making it all the more deadly and dangerous to deal with.

Paul Phoenix 2

Up – Forward – 2

Another new move in Paul’s arsenal, Up-Forward-2 is relatively safe on block and is a Heat Engager at that.

Crouch – 1 + 2

This is Paul’s ultimate punisher and most other characters do not have this move. This is a tackle that will ground your opponents allowing you to chain multiple devastating hits on your opponent, dealing up to 60 damage.

ALSO READ: Tekken 8: How to Play Kazuya Mishima | Best Moves, Combat Guide, Controls Guide

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