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taxi custom new dlc car in gta 5 online all you need to know taxi custom new dlc car in gta 5 online all you need to know


TAXI Custom NEW DLC CAR in GTA 5 Online | All You Need To Know

Try not to get bogged down!

Alexis Ongsansoy



Now you’re probably left wondering why the new Taxi Custom is getting a lot of attention lately in GTA V. It’s just a taxi! Driving around in it shares the same experience with watching paint dry! Well clearly you haven’t heard of sleepers before. But don’t worry, we won’t bore you with the details on why an economy-class car armed with a turbo charger is highly appreciated. You’re here for information, and that is what we have! Today we will talk about the new DLC car’s features and why you the player, should be the one behind the wheel of this beast.

NEW Custom DLC TAXI CAR in GTA 5 Online | All You Need To Know

As with almost every other car in GTA 5 Online, you have to do a few errands if you want to get it at a lower price. If money is not a problem for you then good go ahead and buy it once you’ve done everything needed. If you’re hurting though or just like seeing lots of zeroes in your bank account then this is what you should do.

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Go to the Warstock Cache and Carry website, you will see the Taxi there on sale for around $487,500 – $650,000. If you want to get it at a slightly lower price you will have to complete 10 fares in a row while you’re doing taxi work.

Now that you have the cab you can summon it by giving Pegasus a call, navigate to your special section if don’t know where to look. If you’re crazy enough to keep on doing taxi work missions you might as well do it right with more speed.

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We have more information about the cars general performance if you’re still curious. The taxi has good acceleration and top speed, you’ll have no problems getting away from the authorities thanks to the performance enhancers this sedan came with. It’s made for getting from point A to point B faster after all!

Handling is good, you’re prone to oversteering since it’s a little bit slippery but that’s okay as this nets you a better chance of surviving when the rear end of your vehicle crashes into a lamp post rather than the front.

The price is a tad bit too steep for a Taxi Cab, even if you’re mostly paying for performance the looks just don’t add up with the white wall tires included. That’s everything you need to know for the Taxi Custom! If you have fun driving around a car that smells like secondhand smoke then this just might be the one for you.

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Here we have Alexis, he's been gaming ever since the second Famicom came out. Which is probably the reason why he goes back to platformers every now and then. Somewhere down the line he started getting more and more fascinated about looking at maps change colors for three to eight hours straight. If he's not out strategizing and beating the life out of his space bar in that order there's a good chance you can find him playing an FPS or talking someone's ear out about how game balance gets in the way of realism. You can tell that he really likes getting the full experience of whatever he gets his hands on.

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