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solasta cotm monk class guide solasta cotm monk class guide


Solasta CoTM: Monk Class Guide

Channel your inner strength and peace!

Nicole Barelli



Developed by Tactical Adventures, Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an RPG based on the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. On November 14, 2022, the Inner Strength DLC introduced more features to the game, including the new class Monk along with its subclasses. It’s time for us to learn what makes a good Monk!

Monk Class Guide – Solasta CoTM

Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution are key factors in a Monk build. So, you should choose an Ancestry that has Ability Scores in two or three of those categories. Dwarven lineages are great. Half-Orc, Sylvan Elf, and Marsh Halfling can work as well.

The background that came with the Monk class is the Ascetic. Other good options include Lawkeeper to make you a stronger melee attacker and Academic to make you proficient with the Manacalon rosary, which is useful to enchant items.

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Source: The Vaniverse Gaming from YouTube

When choosing your Ability Scores, remember that Dexterity is the Monk’s number one status, followed by Wisdom and then Constitution.

In the Skills section of your Proficiencies, you can choose Acrobatics and something else, maybe Stealth if that suits your playstyle.

For languages, Terran and Old Tirmarian will be useful in the main campaign, and Giant for the DLC story.

With your character created, it’s time to look at how she levels up!

RELATED: Solasta Crown of the Magister: Character Creation Guide | Races, Classes, Ability Scores

Level 2 is where you start learning Ki Points, which you can use to “harness the mythic energy of the Ki” in skills such as Patient Defence, Step of the Wind, and Flurry of Blows.

You also unlock Unarmoured Movement, which increases your speed by 2 cells when you’re not wearing armour or carrying a shield.

Level 3 unlocks the ability to deflect or catch missiles when you’re hit by a ranged weapon. Spend 1 Ki if you want to give your enemy a taste of their own medicine and send the missile back to them (though you shouldn’t do it when you have so few Ki Points).

Here, you also get to choose your subclass aka your Monastic Tradition. Way of Light presents the best skills without needing to level up too much to use them, with Way of Freedom coming second, Way of the Survival third, and Way of the Open Hand fourth.

Level 4 unlocks your Ability Score and Bonus Feat.

For the Feats, you want to look for Cloak and Dagger and one of the “touches”—Burning Touch, Icy Touch, etc.

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Source: The Vaniverse Gaming from YouTube

Level 5 gives you Extra Attack and Stunning Strike, the latter capable of stunning your opponents in exchange for Ki Point and one of the main reasons that make the Monk class strong.

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Source: The Vaniverse Gaming from YouTube

Each Level will either give you new skills or new Feats. And, of course, more Ki Points! Many people don’t like the Monk because after Level 6 the upgrades are a tad boring. But the Monk does deal some great damage, so it’s worth messing around with this build!

Thanks for The Vaniverse Gaming for this fantastic breakdown of the Monk class! If you want to know more, check out his video: MONK Class Guide (Solasta CoTM): Complete Guide to Monks!

Nicole is passionate about storytelling and can always be found with a book in hand. She dreams of creating her own games and writing poetry with faeries.

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