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Path of Exile 2 – What Are Power, Endurance, and Frenzy Charges?

If you are wondering what these charges are, here is a quick explanation for you!



For new players, Path of Exile 2 can be incredibly complex and overwhelming with all of its mechanics, some of which are not explained in great detail within the game itself. Among the features that many are confused by is the charge system, so in this guide, we will try to explain what it is in a way that is easier to understand.

What Are Power, Endurance, and Frenzy Charges?

Simply put, charges of any type in this game are temporary resources that you can build up in order to empower your abilities in various ways. You build them up using certain moves, and then spend them by performing others.

There are currently three different types of charges, and they are the following:

  • Power Charges (blue) – These are mainly related to the intelligence stat.
  • Endurance Charges (red) – These are often associated with the strength stat.
  • Frenzy Charges (green) ­– Finally, these are related to the dexterity stat.

Whenever you get a charge, you can see how many you have and how long they will last by looking at the upper left corner of the screen. They will also manifest as orbs with different colors the orbit around your character.

By default, you can have a maximum of up to three of each at a time, though this limit can be increased if you have certain items or abilities that allow you to accumulate more.

POE 2 monk with power charges

As for what effects they can enable, you will just have to read your skills to see what changes whenever you have charges to consume. One example is the Falling Thunder ability, which can consume power charges in order to add additional lightning projectiles that deal a huge amount of damage.

There are also passives that let you shift things around and even generate different charges from what you originally would be getting. The Resonance ability in the skill tree, for example, lets you build up power charges instead of frenzy, frenzy instead of endurance, and endurance instead of power.

Some passives will buff in various waysyou whenever you spend certain types of charges. Basically, there is a lot of theory crafting that you can do revolving around this mechanic in order to whip up the perfect build for your playstyle.

POE 2 skill tree showing endurance charge buff node

Builds are more of a personal preference thing, so we cannot really give you a “best” one that makes use of any of the charges, especially since we are still in very early access and things get nerfed or buffed a lot.

That is really all you need to know in order to understand the basics of how charges work and what they are for. While you are here, consider checking out our guide on how to activate loot filters as well so your grind for good items can be a little less annoying!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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