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Palworld: Dog Coin Guide – How to Get & Where to Spend | Sakurajima Update

Earn and spend Dog Coins to unlock cool and unique items.



The Sakurajima update for Palworld introduces a whole new map to the game with tons of new places to explore. Alongside that, the update also brings along new resources and plenty of new Pals.

One of the coolest new additions to the game is an all new currency called Dog Coins. Dog Coins are extremely useful in Palworld, especially in the mid to late game. We will be looking at how to get Dog Coins in Palworld, and how they can be spent.

Dog Coin Guide – How to Get & Where to Spend

There are 3 different ways in which you can get Dog Coins in Palworld

  • Capturing Mimog’s
  • Looting Junk Piles
  • Oil Rig Chests

Dog Coins you get can then be spent at specific vendors to purchase some very unique and useful items.

How to Get Dog Coins

Capturing Mimog’s

The Mimog Pal in Palworld.

Introduced in the Sakurajima update, Mimog is a new chest-shaped Pal that you can capture in Palworld. Capturing this Pal will give you the Pal, and alongside that, you will also get some Dog Coins for your troubles. For now, Mimog’s are the only Pals that give you Dog Coins when captured.

Like most other Pals in this game, you can catch Mimog using a Sphere. While Mimog doesn’t fight back, it instantly runs away when damaged, making it very annoying to capture. Check out our complete guide on how to capture Mimog in Palworld to get yourself your very own Mimog.

Other than giving you Dog Coins, Mimog is an extremely useful Pal to have as it allows you to open chests in the game without needing keys.

Junk Piles

Junk Piles that you can loot for some amazing loot.

Junk Piles are another new addition released with the Sakurajima update. While they might be called Junk Piles, the loot they give is far from that. They are also a great source of Dog Coins in Palworld.

There’s no fixed location for these Junk Piles, as they spawn all around Palpagos Island. You can loot the Junk Piles by simply going up to them and interacting with them. Junk Piles will also respawn on the map after a short time, so if you loot one at a specific location, a new one can still spawn there later.

Dog Coins are a possible drop from Junk Piles but not guaranteed. There is always a chance of there being 0 Dog Coins in a Junk Pile. Despite that, you will still want to loot any Junk Pile you find, as the other loot they can give is still very good.

Treasure Chests at Oil Rigs

You can also get Dog Coins from Treasure Chests, but only those that are found on Oil Rigs. Oil Rigs are another new addition released with the new patch, and they act as Stronholds in this game that you can raid for valuable loot.

A chest on an Oil Rig.

There will be chests on the Oil Rig, but to get to them, you will first need to get through the enemies guarding them. Oil Rigs are generally pretty hard to clear and require you to have a very high level. Once you clear an Oil Rig, the enemies and the loot on it will respawn in about 3 in game days. Like Junk Piles, Chests on Oil Rigs can drop Dog Coins, but it isn’t a guaranteed drop.

To find an Oil Rig and get on it, make sure you check out our guide on how to get to the Oil Rig in Palworld.

How to Spend Dog Coins

Dog Coins that you get can be spent at the all new Medal Merchants. These merchants look similar to the regular merchants in this game, the only difference being their clothes. Medal Merchants have gold clothes that help in distinguishing them.

The Medal Merchant located at the Forgotten Island Church Ruins.

The Medal merchant in the image above is located in the Forgotten Island Church Ruins. You can find Medal Merchants in other similar Ruins locations on the map.

Items sold by the Medal Merchant

Interacting with a Medal Merchant will open up a shop with the different items they are selling. All the items in this shop can only be purchased using Dog Coins. Most of the items here are extremely useful, making Dog Coins an extremely valuable currency to have.

You will need to have a lot of Dog Coins on you to purchase most of the items that these merchants sell. Get all the Dog Coins that you can get to make full use of what the Medal Merchants are offering.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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