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New World: How to Prepare for the Brimstone Sands Expansion

The Brimstone Sands Expansion is set to release somewhere in October this year, and it has a lot of new content that you might want to prepare for.




New World is about to get its first major expansion ever this coming October in the form of Brimstone Sands. It’s set to be a massive update featuring a new endgame location with tons of new stuff that players can look forward to.

That said, this new expansion will come with new enemies, environments, quests, items, and a whole lot more. As such, you want to make sure you’re well-prepared to take on the new endgame content this expansion has to offer.

In this guide, I’ll show you how you can prepare for this update.

How to Prepare for the Brimstone Sands Expansion in New World

There are several things that you need to prepare before you want to take on the new upcoming expansion in New Worlds. First of all, you want to hit level 60 for the simple reason that the new area is level 60+.

This means that if you go in there underleveled, you’re gonna have a hard time tackling the new content.

The second thing you want to prepare is your Expertise for each armor, jewelry, and weapon that you have. Ideally, you want to hit at least 600 for all of your gear, or if you can afford it, try to aim for 625 which is the current max Expertise in the game.

Third is your Trade Skills. I recommend getting them to the highest level possible, but realistically, you want to focus on both Weaponsmithing and Stonecutting.

The reason why you want to focus on these two skills is simple: the new update introduces a bunch of new items, particularly the Heartgem Runes and the Runeglass Gems.

These items will require the said skills to make. Moreover, these are pretty powerful items that will significantly improve your character’s power.

Lastly, you want to prepare gear with the Ancient Ward option. This will help you take on the new Expeditions in the upcoming expansion. Ancient Ward basically increases your damage absorption against Ancient Guardians whom you’ll encounter in the new dungeons.

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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