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New World Aeternum: Best Bosses to Farm | Gold, Gear, and More

With this glorified relaunch, what are the best bosses to go for nowadays?



At its core, New World: Aeternum is still essentially the same game it used to be when I first played it in 2021. However, following its rough launch, Amazon has been trying really hard to shift towards a having a heavier focus on PVE and solo gameplay over the last few years.

As such, in this guide, we will be showing you what bosses are worth going for right now for various useful items. Whether you are new or are a returning player, this should help you get some gear to build up your wealth or maximize your crafting effectiveness.

Best Bosses to Farm | Gold, Gear, and More

Before we get started, it should be noted that a lot of these are ideally fought with a group. If you plan on grinding them solo, consider checking out our guide on how to get 725 gear score as fast as possible to improve your chances of success.

Boss #1 – Baines

The first one is Baines, who is an elite boss that can be found near the Spire Perilous in Edengrove. Its exact location is marked on the map image below. Supposedly, it respawns every two to four minutes, and it is almost always ganged up on by a lot of players camping the spawn point.

Among its notable drops is the Glowing Sap Shard, which is a resource that you can use to craft some legendary Glowing Sap. Depending on the server you are on, this can net you thousands of gold per piece, though they require 100 shards to make.

It can also drop named unique gear, including stuff like the Seniab fo Dleihs and Ecnelovelam’s Yvne. There is also a chance that Baines drops a Concocter’s Hat, which has the handy Arcanist Expertise perk.

New World players fighting baines + map location

Boss #2 – Malevolence

Just to the southeast of the previous entry, Malevolence is another boss you can take on in Edengrove. Its spawn point is directly to the south of the Elysian Shrine,making it incredibly easy to fast travel to this location and join random parties that might be camping it.

Same as the other one, this boss can respawn in around five minutes after dying, and there are several weaker mobs that you’ll need to take down before it shows up. This makes it so that you actually get a lot of other potential drops with every respawn.

It commonly drops epic Lifering gear, though it has a handful of named legendary drops as well. This includes weapons like the Judgement of Malevolence hammerand the Promise of Malevolence ice gauntlet, which come with some pretty decent perks.

New World players fighting the malevolence boss + map location

Bosses #3 & #4 – Articulon the Unshackled & Mozrul the Herald

These two bosses can be found to the far west of the Great Cleave region just a bit to the northwest of the Shrine of the Herald. In order to spawn Articulon, you will need at least 150 mining in order to break the Strange Orichalcum Vein that it is hiding under.

Unlike the other bosses that have been shown so far, these are obviously going to be much weaker by virtue of them being in a lower level zone.

However, Articulon has a relatively high chance of dropping a pair of Weaponsmith Pants. Mozrul, on the other hand, can drop some Tanner Pants at a slightly lower rate. They are nice to have in general, but depending on your server, they might also fetch a pretty high price on the trading post.

New World player fighting articulon + map location

Bosses #5 & #6 – Bralgorn and Sesa

Bralgorn can be found in the same region as the previous ones, but on the opposite end. From the Battleclast Shrine, you will want to make your way up the mountains to the east. As you scale the frozen cliffs, you will eventually find Bralgorn’s spawn point.

Most of its drops are not particularly interesting, but one rare piece of equipment does stand out. The Weaponsmith Shoes can drop from this named yeti, and it’s great for career crafters, as you would expect.

If you would rather sell these shoes to others, there is a high chance that you can get a decent chunk of money for it as they are typically always in demand in any server.

New World player fighting bralgorn + map location

Sesa, on the other hand, is another named yeti that you can find hiding out in a completely different and hilariously unfitting climate. Down in the Asian-themed Ebonscale Reach region, you can find a cave with a suspicious patch of ice all around it.

This one has a lower level, so it should be much easier to take down without any help. Same as the other one, its loot table is not really all that interesting, but it has the same chance of dropping Weaponsmith Shoes.

New World player fighting sesa + map location

Boss #7 – Myrkgard Runs

This last entry is not really a sole boss, but rather an entire location. If you have played the game a long time ago, then you will probably be relieved to know that farming Myrkgard is still a viable way to get good gear for personaluse.

The only downside to this method is that you need to get a competent group to run through this location with ease. It will go much smoother if you have an entire raid party with you, but even one group of well-geared people should be able to breeze through bosses here.

It can be found all the way up north in the Shattered Mountains, and it is impossible to miss as it is the largest point of interest in the region.

This reminds me that my company all the way back in the initial launch (group pictured below) were among the first to farm this place in our server. Nowadays, you should have no trouble finding other people or even an entire zerg to clear Myrkgard with you.

New World myrkgard run with clanmates

While that is the last recommendation for this guide, there are a lot of other PVE activities to participate in that can drop good loot. These just happen to be some of the easier ones, especially if your goal is to make a quick buck, though that last part will depend entirely on your server’s economy.

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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