Marvel Snap has just been recently released on PC and Mobile after a long time sitting in beta. The game is all about card strategy like which card to use or when to use it.
It’s one of those games that you have to study before you get really good at the game. As such, many players are waiting for news on what meta and which decks are the best to use.
However, since the game is just a few days old, not many resources are found online. Luckily, you found this guide to at least give you some idea of which decks are the best to use. Let’s dive right in.
Best Decks to Use in Marvel Snap
There are in total 6 decks in Marvel Snap. Let’s go through each one and give you insights on how each deck is best used.
Dracula Discard Deck
We are going to start off this list with one of the best Decks in the Game. The Dracula Discard Deck is commonly touted as a very consistent play since it allows you to have consistent turn 6.
This is a deck that you want Morbius running at the forefront. You want Dracula in it and gives you a massive spike. New players don’t expect this type of set of plays so this is effective against them.
Destroy and Disrupt Deck
It is one of the best decks in the game right now. From the name itself, the deck disrupts and brings destruction.
These cards rely on the huge impact on the opposing side of the board. Cards like Viper give you control of the enemy cards, so it’s a very good counter card playstyle if you know your opponent has great cards.
Destroyer Deck
This deck is a brute straightforward style of just overpowering your enemy with good cards.
Strong cards like the Hood and Killmonger greatly increase the threat level of this roster of cards.
Lockjaw Combo Deck
You can’t get this deck without a lockjaw. Without Lockjaw it won’t work. Lockjaw will swap itself with a card on your deck.
The lockjaw playstyle allows you to use as many cards by swapping.
Wong Reveal Combo Deck
Like with the Lockjaw deck, Wong is essential in this particular deck combo. Wong has an ongoing effect that “Your On reveals abilities at this location happen twice”.
Onslaught Zoo Deck
It has a combination of the previous decks. It’s a jack-of-all-trades deck.
Make sure you have ant-man, Nightcrawler, Squirrel Girl, and Ice Man. Each card plays off each other’s effects so make sure you have them.