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fortnite feudal fuel location season 4 fortnite feudal fuel location season 4


Fortnite: Feudal Fuel Location | Season 4

Follow the trail and explore the Feudal Fuel.




Check out the new features added in Fortnite after the latest Season 4 update on December 4, 2022. It was highly anticipated by the players that these new modifications will add further dynamics to the game’s mechanics.

Included in the recent update are new skins, sprays, non-player characters, and map regions. What’s more exciting about this is that the map regions are either connected to some parts of the existing map region or appeared as lone islands.

Some map regions are actually located at the edge of the Fortnite world map so players seldom go to these places. But to tell you, these places are where you can find nice weapons.

That being said, we made this article to help you locate one of the new map regions.

Feudal Fuel Location in Fortnite Season 4

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One of the new locations that you can go and wander around is the Feudal Fuel.

In order for you to reach this is by going to the far northwest part of Brutal Bastion, the southeastern of Breakwater Bay, and the northeastern of The Citadel.

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You will know that you are near the destination if you walk beside the icy biome, and you have already seen this big house in front of the character in the picture.

Once you reach the house, you will be able to discover a new landmark.

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