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Death Must Die: Complete Gods & Goddesses Skills Guide

Select your deity, select your destiny!




There are many Gods and Goddesses to get skills and boons from in Death Must Die, and they all serve a different purpose.

Knowing what each god has to offer is going to be key to helping you achieve your goal of killing Death itself!

In this guide, we go over the skills and boons granted by every god and goddess in the game.

All Gods & Goddesses Skills in Death Must Die

Death Must Die: Gods & Goddesses Skills - Boon Selection Screen

Before we start, you should know that you can only pick up to 3 Gods and Goddesses per run. Once you have a boon from 3 different Gods, the others will stop appearing altogether.

However, the Moirai work a bit differently. They always appear alongside the 3 others you choose!

Additionally, you can pick up most of the skills and boons multiple times. This increases their overall efficiency, such as boosting damage and lowering cooldowns.

Another example of the Boon selection screen

The rarity of boons also varies, with the vast majority coming in 4 rarities: Novice, Adept, Expert, and Master. On top of that, most gods have at least one extremely powerful Legendary skill that can’t be upgraded.

Anyway, there are currently 8 Gods and Goddesses to pick from, including the Moirai. They all support different playstyles with their unique boons and skills. Now, let’s break down what they all do!

Summer, Goddess of Fire

Summer, Goddess of FIre

Summer’s main trait is what you might’ve guessed: the fire element and Burning enemies. She allows you to decimate enemies by setting them on fire, which deals up to 30% of their HP over time.

  • Breath of Fire – You breathe fire in a cone in front of you after hitting enemies a few times. Applies Burning to enemies it hits.
  • Combust – You will cause an explosion that damages and knocks enemies back, triggers when you kill a specific number of enemies.
  • Flare – You have a random chance to shoot a fireball at any enemy that is trying to attack you.
  • Incineration – Burning enemies leave a fire when they die.
  • Meteor Shower – A number of meteors fall from the skies, damaging enemies and leaving fires on the ground.
  • Trail of Fire – You’ll leave a trail of fire when you dash.
  • Fire Dragon (Legendary) – Summons a red dragon to fight alongside you by breathing fire and Burning enemies.
  • Gehenna (Legendary) – You gain experience every time you deal damage.
  • Inferno (Legendary) – A flaming wave bursts from your position periodically, damaging and Burning enemies.

Krom, God of Conquest

Krom, God of Conquest

Krom is all about knocking back foes and applying the Ruptured status effect. Ruptured enemies will take damage when they move or are knocked back.

  • Blades – Rotating blades appear away from you and close in on you. Enemies hit by the blades will be Ruptured and damaged.
  • Bloodlust – Your attack speed increases based on how many enemies are currently Ruptured.
  • Chains of War – All of your attacks can now randomly sprout chains that rotate around you. The chains damage enemies, apply Ruptured, and deal knockback.
  • Charge – You’ll be able to damage and knock back enemies when dashing.
  • Knockback – Boosts all of your knockback effects.
  • Shurikens – Enemies will shoot out shurikens when hit, which applies Ruptured to other enemies.
  • War Pact – You’ll deal more damage to enemy barriers.
  • Fatality (Legendary) – You deal more damage to enemies when they are under 50% HP.
  • God of War (Legendary) – Increases all damage you deal, but also the damage you take.
  • Hemorrhage (Legendary) – Rupture will deal more damage for each consecutive instance of damage.

Mort, Daughter of Death

Mort, Daughter of Death

Death’s daughter isn’t too fond of her father, so she’s here to aid you by giving you some necromancy powers and the ability to inflict the Cursed status. Cursed deals damage which scales heavily with all of your spell damage bonuses!

  • Execution – Enemies have a chance to spawn weak experience shards. The chance is increased if the enemy was Cursed before death.
  • Lifelink – Allows you to drain enemies’ HP when dashing.
  • Mayhem – Permanently boosts your damage whenever a Cursed enemy dies.
  • Necromancy – You’ll raise skeletons when defeating a certain number of enemies. Skeletons from Cursed enemies last longer!
  • Ravens of Pestilence – Summons Ravens that attack enemies and inflict Cursed.
  • Serendipity – Increases your Luck.
  • Sickles of Mort – You’ll shoot out sickles after a certain number of hits. The sickles deal a percentage of your base attack’s damage and also apply the same status effects as your attacks.
  • Soulstealers – You have a chance to spawn phantoms with every hit. Phantoms will pass through enemies to deal damage and apply Cursed.
  • Malady (Legendary) – Enemies will spread their status effects to other enemies when they die.
  • Vampirism (Legendary) – You will recover HP every time you damage enemies, but your armor will no longer grant damage reduction.

The Moirai Sisters, Goddesses of Fate

Aisa, Carver of Fate, one of the Moirai sisters

The Moirai are the most basic of all the gods and goddesses in the game. They always appear no matter which other gods you choose, and their boons are all centered around boosting basic stats.

  • Critical Strike – Grants you the chance to deal Critical Hits. Critical Hits deal 300% damage!
  • Curiosity – Makes pick ups appear more frequently.
  • Elusion – Increases your Evasion.
  • Fortune – Gives you more Alterations, which you can use to reroll boons.
  • Fury – Boosts your attack speed.
  • Might – Boosts your attacks’ area of effect.
  • Splinter – Boosts your attacks’ number of projectiles.
  • Sprint – Boosts your dash’s distance.
  • Vigor – Increases your Health.
  • First Strike (Legendary) – You deal 400% more damage to enemies that are at full health.
  • Fleet-Footed (Legendary) – You can dash one more time in a row.

Winter, Goddess of Cold

Winter, Goddess of Cold

Summer’s sister, she’s all about frost attacks. Her skills can apply Chilled to slow down enemies and can turn into the Frozen status when stacked. Frozen enemies can’t move.

  • Blight – Cold mists will randomly spawn around you, damaging enemies and applying Chilled.
  • Dive – You’ll throw out ice shards when dashing, which deals damage and applies Chilled.
  • Frost Ring – A frost ring will appear around you after a certain number of attacks, applying Frozen to enemies.
  • Frozen Treasure – Enemies that die while Chilled or Frozen have a much higher chance to drop items.
  • Icebound – Frozen enemies take more damage from all attacks.
  • Path of Frost – You leave frozen mist while moving. The mist applies Chilled to enemies.
  • Thaw – Boosts your attack damage based on the current number of Frozen enemies.
  • Wintertide – Increases the area of effect of all of your spells.
  • Chill to the Bone (Legendary) – Lowers the number of stacks of Chilled required to activate the Frozen status effect.
  • Frost Dragon (Legendary) – Summons a blue dragon to fight alongside you with its frost breath. The breath applies Chilled status.
  • Shatter (Legendary) – Enemies that are Chilled and Frozen will instantly die when they are under 20% HP.
  • World Freeze (Legendary) – Applies one stack of Chilled to all enemies every couple of seconds.

Time, God of Time

Time, God of Time

Your biggest ally in Death Must Die, as he’s the one that allows you to respawn infinitely. His boons allow you to level up faster, slow down enemies, and boost the duration of your spells.

  • Alteration Ritual – You’ll get a temporary and random stat boost every time you level up.
  • Deadlock – Increases the duration of all of your spells.
  • Force – Increases your experience shard pull range. Additionally, it causes experience shards to deal damage to enemies when you pull them.
  • Gem High – Boosts your movement, attack, and skill speeds whenever you grab an experience shard.
  • The Summoner – Your summons gain permanent damage boosts every minute.
  • Time Field – A time field spawns where you are and slows down all enemies and projectiles nearby.
  • Vortex – You’ll create a vortex whenever you dash, pulling enemies toward its center.
  • Wisdom – Increases how much experience you get.
  • Temporal Lord (Legendary) – Rewinds time when you die, but it only triggers once.
  • The Taste of Time (Legendary) – Makes enemies age. Aging reduces max HP by 6% every second.

Leigong, God of Lightning

Leigong, God of Lightning

Leigong’s boons are primarily focused on making you as fast as lightning itself. He doesn’t have quite as many boons on offer as the other gods, but they’re all extremely powerful and work well with any build!

  • Ball Lightning – Transforms your dash, turning you into a damaging ball of lightning when dashing.
  • Brevity – Boosts the speed of all of your speeds and reduces all cooldowns.
  • Chain Lightning – All of your attacks gain a chance to create chain lightning, damaging nearby enemies.
  • Haste – Increases your movement speed.
  • Lightning Bolt – Lightning bolts strike nearby enemies whenever you move a certain distance.
  • Lightning Orbs – Lightning orbs will randomly spawn around you and deal damage to enemies when they explode. They explode automatically after some time passes, or manually when you attack them.

Lady Justice, Goddess of Balance

Lady Justice, Goddess of Balance

Last but not least, Lady Justice is who you go for when you want to boost your defenses and healing!

  • Celestial Wings – Dashing will temporarily reduce your movement penalty when attacking.
  • Consecration – You’ll recover a percentage of the damage you take when an enemy attacks you. Additionally, you’ll deal a percentage of the damage back to the enemy.
  • Divine Shield – Completely nullifies the next instance of damage you take, but breaks after every hit. The shield is restored after some time passes based on cooldown.
  • Inner Peace – Grants you passive health regeneration.
  • Purification – Increases how much HP you recover when healing.
  • Reprisal – Gives you a chance to apply Smited to enemies that are about to attack you. Smited enemies take 30 damage and get stunned for a short moment.
  • Day of Judgment (Legendary) – Instantly kills all minions every 28 seconds.
  • Pandemonium (Legendary) – Increases the rarity of every blessing you have when you choose the boon. Doesn’t affect blessings picked up after you already got the boon, though!

In Summary – Best Skills

Death Must Die gameplay

Overall, all of the gods and goddesses are pretty solid choices. You can’t really go wrong with any of them as long as you plan your build well! However, some of them definitely stand out somewhat compared to the others.

Lady Justice’s powerful defensive toolkit is always welcome, for one. You’ll usually find yourself choosing her as one of your 3 gods due to her being the only one providing actual healing and defense boons.

Time's Legendary boon

Time is also a popular choice due to this area control abilities and the fact that he can make leveling up easier and faster.

Winter is also a great choice due to her utility. The Chilled and Frozen status effects are just too good to pass up and they can make the game a lot easier!

When going for damage, you would probably focus on either Mort or Summer. Mort has a relatively crafty set of boons that can result in high damage when played smartly. Summer’s skills, on the other hand, are just really strong while also being extremely simple to use.

The Moirai's boons

The Moirai are always good too but not particularly impressive. You’re stuck with them every run and their stat boosts are welcome, though!

That leaves Krom and Leilong feeling like the weakest currently, though they aren’t really “bad” either.

More Death Must Die gameplay

The thing is, Krom’s focus on knockback is not as useful as it should be in the current version of the game. Enemies are just too resilient to knockback!

As for Leilong, his boons are pretty good and pair up well with every other god and goddess, but you’ll need to invest a lot to make him really shine. His skills aren’t really great until you’ve upgraded them multiple times, which is a tough sell in this game…

There you have it! In case you’re struggling to complete the Ghost Matter achievement, we have a guide which covers that as well!

ALSO READ: Death Must Die: How To Finish A Run Guide + Tips & Tricks

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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