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AFK Arena: Ultimate Beginners Guide

AFK Arena is easy if you know how to set up your team the right way.




Lilith Games, the Developers of AFK Arena pegged the game right. This game is perfect for mobile since you don’t require too much time grinding or investing long hours to complete objectives.

To put things simply, AFK Arena is a game where you do most of the work away from the keyboard and check on it from time to time to see your progress.

In this guide, we will help you start with a couple of things to know and do while setting up your team in AFK Arena.

Ultimate Beginners Guide in AFK Arena

The core game element of AFK Arena is how to set your Hero Lineup and let them clear waves upon waves of enemies. It’s a turn-based strategy game with the option of letting your team play by itself while you go offline and go about your daily work.

Setting up your character lineup is easy but to fully utilise your playthrough, it’s best you know the different factions of heroes to better set up a winning team.

Know the Hero Factions

There are over 100 heroes in AFK Arena under 7 different factions. Hero types are separated into different roles in the party and knowing which faction to set your characters from and knowing their strengths and weaknesses will make the difference in how strong your squad composition will be in clearing Game Content.

Lightbearer Faction

This faction consists of heroes with different roles. They have a balanced build and it is easy to pick heroes from early in the game.

You will usually pick tank heroes in this faction on team them up with other factions that have stronger heroes unique to their factions.

Mauler Faction

Mauler’s high-damage heroes with great support. Many carry heroes are from this faction. Teaming them up with the Wilder Faction Heroes whose specialty is their strong support type heroes.

Wilder Faction

Easily the safest pick for starting players, the Wilder Faction is host to some of the best support heroes in the game. As a support role, they are compatible with other factions since their heroes sport one of the best support skills in the game.


Graveborns are opposite to Lightbringers in the game. Other than that, they have similar hero roles and also have a balanced team.

What sets them apart is that their heroes tend to get stronger over time and their ability to life steal.

Celestials and Hypogeans

This boasts top-tier heroes in every role. The problem with these is they are not for free-to-play players so you will have to invest in the game with real money to get them.

Their faction heroes can be obtained in the Stargazing Room later in the game and if you have money to spare, you can set up a team entirely on these two factions and can steamroll your way through the game content.


Limited heroes were obtained through collaboration events in AFK Arena the Dimensional Faction.

This month’s latest collaboration event is for Geralt and Yennifer of the Witcher which you can have the chance of obtaining if you play now.

The only Dimensional Hero that can be purchased through the Labyrinth Store in Arthur is one of the best Tanks in the game.

Hero Lineups

The best hero lineup when you start your game is to have x1 Carry hero, x1 Tank and 3x Support heroes.

Level up your carry heroes 30 to 40 levels higher than your other heroes for them to clear battles faster and easier. Tanks will require equipment and gears to make them soak damage while supports will make your overall survivability higher with their buffs and heals.

Team Compositions

Having several heroes of the same faction grants you aura buffs that help strengthen your party lineup. If you have x3 heroes of the same faction and the rest are from different factions, you will get a 10% buff for your attack and overall Hp.

When you have x3 heroes of the same faction and the other x2 are of the same faction as well, your buff adds up to 15% attack and Hp buffs.

With x4 heroes of the same faction, you receive 15% attack and 20% HP buffs for your team.

With all x5 heroes of the same faction, your buff will be 20% for attacks and maximum HP.

How to get stronger

After you set up your lineup, your heroes will spend their time clearing the campaign map. Check your daily quests and weeklies and focus on clearing these objectives every time you log in and play.

Campaign rewards have no time limit so you can obtain these rewards as your team clears each level.

Items and Gear

Equipping your heroes with gears raises their stats depending on the rarity of the gear. Gears are classed according to Strength, Agility or Intelligence. High-level gears are also locked for different factions so give these gears to the heroes that can use them.

That’s all you need to know when starting in AFK Arena. There are other things to do to make yourself stronger but focusing on these things first in the first few days will make things easier for you once you reach higher-level content.

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