Duelyst II is a digital collectible card game and turn-based strategy game that Counterplay Games initially published. The game revolves around fighting on a 5×9 battlefield and beating the opposing generals. Generals will start the game with a maximum of 25 health points and will begin with two attack power. Per turn, generals can use cards to summon minions, use spells, and equip artifacts.
These cards cost mana core, and the mana bar will be refreshed at the beginning of each turn. Also, players can gain up to a maximum of 9 cores by taking control of one of the three mana tiles on the board. There are over 300 cards in the game, and each of them has unique effects.
Duelyst II reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics, which I considered a good strategic game that was released in 1997. The game’s graphics are pretty average, but the combat system makes Duelyst II enjoyable. It involves taking board control in the early game to unleash your card combos in the mid to late game.
There are some RNGs involved, but skill and good cards matter here. However, anyone who supports their Kickstarter project or spends money has a massive advantage in card optimization Overall, this game is good for players interested in a competitive strategic-based game with complex card systems. Casual players might not like this, but hardcore fans would definitely play it.
John Alano is a passionate gamer and has been interested in RPGs and FPS games since he was little. His first consoles are Sega, Playstation 1, and even the family PC! Currently, he is focused on playing Lost Ark and Valorant.