Recover the statue heads and start the Blood Ritual… if you dare.
If you need some heavy metal to slay zombies, you need to do this easter egg ASAP!
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with these serpent-themed weapons!
Where can you find these new items in the latest update?
Power up your Ninpo Spells by collecting all 8 Jewels of the Demon Seal!
Looking for all of these collectibles for the outfit? Here are all their locations!
Shoot the Demon Warrior down and loot the map it holds for this quest step.
Give these Splinter Blades to The Night Rose so that she might be free at last…
Need help finding all of the sonance caskets in Penitent’s End? Here are all of them!
Get all of the chests at Shores of Last Breath with these easy steps!