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GTA 5: All 36 Yuanbao Locations | How to Unlock Gold Snake Santo Capra Outfit

Looking for all of these collectibles for the outfit? Here are all their locations!



Grand Theft Auto 5 is currently going through its Lunar New Year event, which means another set of limited time rewards that you can earn by simply playing the game. Among these is the Gold Snake Santo Capra outfit, which requires you to find a set of yuanbaos hidden all across the game’s map. In this guide, we will be showing you where to find all 36 of them to unlock the outfit!

All 36 Yuanbao Locations | How to Unlock Gold Snake Santo Capra Outfit

As mentioned, there are a total of 36 yuanbao to find, and they are found literally all over the map, from top to bottom. Instead of going through locations one by one, we will be splitting up the map in parts in a way that hopefully makes sense so you can decide which pathing would be more convenient for yourself.

Yuanbao #1 – #5: Southernmost Corner of Los Santos

GTA 5 map with yuanbao locations

The first five yuanbao can be found at the southernmost part of Los Santos, specifically at the Los Santos International Airport and the port just beside that zone. Each can be found in the following spots, which are also marked with red dots on the map image above:

  • Yuanbao #1 – The first one is found on top of a piece of ground support equipment at the southern part of the airport, specifically above the controls of the machinery.
  • Yuanbao #2 – Further north from the airport one, you can find another yuanbao sitting inside a concrete cylinder, specifically at the bottom of a stack of these things.
  • Yuanbao #3 – You can find another yuanbao sitting on the western part of the port, on one of the ships in that side.
  • Yuanbao #4 – Another one at the port can be found in a cargo ship just north of where the previous one was. This is the one near the bridge in the map above.
  • Yuanbao #5 – The last one in this zone can be found in the easternmost corner of the port, at the southern tip of the large ship there (its bow, basically). It sticks out like a sore thumb here.
GTA 5 yuanbao #1 - #5

Yuanbao #6 – #15: Middle Portion of Los Santos City

GTA 5 map with yuanbao locations

The next ten yuanbaos will be around central part of Los Santos city. You will be going around the west to east ends of the city, which will leave just the northern districts for last. From Vespucci all the way to East Los Santos, here are the specific spots you need to check:

  • Yuanbao #6 – At the southeast part of the map image above is a small building with rusty equipment and pipes inside. The yuanbao is sitting at the back of a rusty train segment just beside a stack of pipes.
  • Yuanbao #7 – Slightly to the northwest of the previous one is a house that is (barely) under construction. You can find the yuanbao just sitting out in the open over one of the bricks here.
  • Yuanbao #8 – Directly to the west of the previous one is on the rooftop of a large building beside a bridge between East and South Los Santos. At the marked dot just beside Innocence Blvd. go up the building to the south just before the bridge, and you will find it on one of the large exhaust fans.
  • Yuanbao #9 – Proceeding through the bridge to the middle of the map (South Los Santos), you can find the next yuanbao at the rooftop of the large building with Zany-Z’s Hot Dealz signs outside (Davis Plaza).
  • Yuanbao #10 – Further to the west from the previous one in Davis Plaza is another yuanbao on the rooftop near a Cluckin’ Bell branch.
  • Yuanbao #11 – Directly north from the previous one is a yuanbao in a construction site. It can be found sitting on a stack of materials near the edge of the building.
  • Yuanbao #12 – Further to the northeast of where the construction site was is a Union Depository building. The yuanbao can be found sitting on a potted plant just beside the main entrance.
  • Yuanbao #13 – At the westernmost corner of the map image above is a lone red dot. You can find the yuanbao on the rooftop of the building at the marked location, which is just beside the road.
  • Yuanbao #14 – Heading back to East Los Santos, at the Darnell Bros building, just head to the rooftop and you will find the next yuanbao on the corner that is behind the billboard.
  • Yuanbao #15 – Finally, at Mirror Park, you will find a Yuanbao sitting on a bench at the building on the eastern part of the lake here.
GTA 5 yuanbao #6 to #15

Yuanbao #16 – #26: Northern Segment of Los Santos City (Vinewood, Rockford, Richman, Etc.)

GTA 5 map with yuanbao locations

Finally, before we have to head out into the mountains and deserts of San Andreas further north, we have a few more yuanbao to collect within the border districts of the city and the surrounding areas outside. Here are the spots to check for this part:

  • Yuanbao #16 – At Rockford Hills, head over to where the Richards Majestic apartments are located, just above where Weasel Plaza is. There, you will find the yuanbao on one of the benches.
  • Yuanbao #17 – At the GWC and Golfing Society just to the northwest of where the last one was, you will find another yuanbao sitting on top of a hole 9 marker stone, which is just a few steps away from a bench.
  • Yuanbao #18 – Next, head over to the graves at Pacific Bluffs directly to the west of where the previous one was. There, you will find a yuanbao sitting on top of one of the burial vaults along the walkway.
  • Yuanbao #19 – Even further west, at the Kortz Center museum still in Pacific Bluffs, you will find another yuanbao on one of the potted plants on the outside part of the Bell Building, just across from where you can see the sign for the Biranda Building.
  • Yuanbao #20 – At the westernmost corner of the map image above, you will find the yuanbao inside a red tool chest with wheels right beside the building in the area marked by the red dot there.
  • Yuanbao #21 – Check the map image above and turn your attention to the northeast from the Kortz Center museum. There is a red dot at the Parsons Rehabilitation Center in Richman Glen. Just check the hedges and you will find it sitting in one corner with a brick pillar.
  • Yuanbao #22 – From the previous one, go to the east into Vinewood Hills. At the house marked in that region, you will find a yuanbao sitting on a round table just beside the property’s swimming pool.
  • Yuanbao #23 – Heading further back into Vinewood, you will find another yuanbao at the rooftop of the building marked in West Eclipse Blvd. It is in one corner past the outdoor couches and beside potted plants.
  • Yuanbao #24 – Next up, go to the Oriental Theater (very fitting) in Downtown Vinewood. The next yuanbao is on the roof of the building, specifically at the western part directly above the front entrance.
  • Yuanbao #25 – Head to The Diamond Casino & Resort at Vinewood Hills and you will find the next yuanbao sitting on the edge of the building beside an outdoor garden of sorts.
  • Yuanbao #26 – Finally, just a hop and a skip away from the previous one, you will find a yuanbao at one of the bleachers overlooking the Vinewood Racetrack.
GTA 5 yuanbao #16 to #26

Yuanbao #27 to #36: Everything Else Further North

GTA 5 map with yuanbao locations

Finally, the last ten yuanbao can be found way up north from the main city. They are all pretty scattered out, so be ready to fly around if you can to get each of them as quickly as possible. Here are the final ten locations to check:

  • Yuanbao #27 – The red dot in Harmony points to a 24/7 Supermarket, and the yuanbao here can be found in the back room, sitting right above a safe and in front of a coffee machine.
  • Yuanbao #28 – There is another yuanbao right at the entrance of Fort Zancudo. You literally cannot miss it, as it is right in front of the guard house at the checkpoint.
  • Yuanbao #29 – A yuanbao can be found at the beach in North Chumash. It is sitting on top of a barrel being used as a makeshift table, right behind a long radio.
  • Yuanbao #30 – To the east of where the previous one can be found is the Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness. You will find it at the radio tower there, which you absolutely can’t miss.
  • Yuanbao #31 – At the southwestern corner of Paleto Bay, you will find a yuanbao on a grey and red picnic table beside one of the buildings along the road.
  • Yuanbao #32 – To the northeast of the previous one, still in Paleto Bay, is a yuanbao sitting on the back of some yellow-colored BRUTE attachment.
  • Yuanbao #33 – Head to the sole red dot at Mount Gordo and you will find a yuanbao sitting under a bridge that is a part of the train track. Watch out for any incoming trains if you are traveling to and from this spot!
  • Yuanbao #34 – At the southwest part of the small town of Grapeseed is another yuanbao sitting on some decorative logs beside a building.
  • Yuanbao #35 – The red dot pointing at the Alamo Sea in the middle is actually going to lead you to a pier and boathouse. You will find the next yuanbao on one of the wooden pillars at the edge.
  • Yuanbao #36 – Finally, go to the town of Sandy Shores. At the sole red marker pointing there at the map image above, you will find a yuanbao sitting on the marked building’s vent system at the rooftop.
GTA 5 yuanbao #27 to #36

Upon picking up the final yuanbao, regardless of what order you collected them in, you will now gain access to the Gold Snake Santo Capra Outfit. Simply head over to any place where you can change and go to the Outfits: Seasonal category to find and equip it. Congratulations, you did it!

There are other things to do during the Lunar New Year event, including buying or earning new cars or purchasing discounted properties throughout the week, so get on and start exploring the time gated features and bonuses!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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