Explore this massive fortress and its surroundings to get all the Sonance Caskets.
Can’t enter the secret cave in the Oakheart Highcourt Lower Tier? We’ll help!
Bait the boars into a charge, then get out of the way so that they hit themselves. It’s a classic trick!
Stop the Cuddle Wuddle and Diggy Duggy from teaming up against you!
Fend off the Knight and complete all goals for this fight!
This new unique Resonator Ascension material is quite rare.
Loot every chest within the Penitent’s End Treasure Spots with our help!
Climb the final tower in the Shadow of the Towers questline!
Help an old captain set out on his final voyage to complete this quest.
A mysterious kitty wants your help… you can’t really refuse, can you?