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Energy Beams Puzzle in Unidentified Ruins (Latotian’s Passage) Guide in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

Redirect all the beams!




Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader is a huge game brimming with puzzles to solve and treasure to find.

An intricate system of laser beams pointing in every direction, this puzzle can take a lot of time to solve if you’re uncertain of the steps to take.

This guide will break down where the puzzle can be found, how you solve it and what treasure lies at the end!

Energy Beams Puzzle in Unidentified Ruins (Latotian’s Passage) Guide

Where To Find Energy Beams Puzzle

Latotian's Passage in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

The energy beams puzzle can be found within the Latotian’s Passage star system. You’ll want to fast travel to that system and head to the Dead World.

The dead world

This is a planet covered in ruins where the only sign of life is a lost civilization. Exploring the ruins and heading to this particular point on the map will reveal a large room with several standing pillars in the center.

How To Solve Energy Beams Puzzle

The map Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

You’ll notice in the centre of the room is the largest pillar. Head over to it and click on the pillar twice. This will start the energy beam and point it in the direction you need.

The pattern on the floor

You’ll notice just before the large centre pillar there’s an intricate pattern on the floor. The goal of the puzzle is to replicate the pattern by manually moving the lasers.

First pillar beam

Next, move over to the pillar in the top left corner and click it on it twice.

2nd Energy beam

The laser will move to the far right pillar and you’ll want to move over and click on it twice.

Third energy beam to redirect

Following this, it will move to the far left pillar, which you might’ve guessed needs to clicked twice!

Final Beam

Next, head to the last pillar, the one you haven’t interacted with. Head over and click it twice! The light will be redirected to the center pillar, then into an unlocked treasure chest!

What’s Inside The Chest

The Ancient Force Sword

Inside, you will find the Ancient Force Sword. This is a moderately powerful, one-handed melee weapon that hits 14-20 damage and 30% armour penetration.

It can also deal an additional +Psy rating damage, making it perfect for your Psyker characters.

Hopefully if you’ve followed the guide, you can now solve the puzzle and unlock the treasure for yourself!

If you’re interested, here are more solutions for the other puzzles in the game:

ALSO READ: The Worm Churns Quest Guide in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

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