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How To Win Every Space Battle in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader

Tips to help deal with enemy spaceships.




You can take part in Space Battle scenarios in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. These are battles involving spaceships, and they work pretty differently from regular ground combat!

There are a lot of unique quirks to them that you need to keep in mind, such as how movement works.

In this guide, we’ll give you tips to ensure that you can deal with every space battle in the game.

Space Battle Tips for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

Pay Attention To Shields

In-game tutorial for space battle ship defenses in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader

Every ship has shields covering them during space battles, including your own. These shields protect certain directions and can be drained by repeatedly attacking them.

Once drained, a ship would need to restart the shields. This will drastically lower their speed and battle proficiency for one turn, so it’s extremely important to be careful if you ever need to restart shields.

As for your enemy’s shields, you should make sure to focus fire on a single part of their ship as much as possible.

Restart Shields

This will allow you to more easily drain their shields, and also ensures that you get to capitalize on their shield being down!

You can also get the Reinforce Shields upgrade when you level up your ship. This ability vastly strengthens shields in the direction you choose. Predict where the damage will come from and reinforce!

Of course, though, this is all more easily said than done. Nonetheless, you should make sure to pay attention to the status of every ship’s shields during space battles.

Use The Swing Run

Swing Run ability

Enemies in this game are pretty smart during space battles, so they like to fly behind your ship. After all, most of your weapons are pointed to the point and sides!

What’s more, movement in space battles usually limits you to turning up to 90 degrees to simulate flight. You can’t turn your flagship on a dime!

The Swing Run helps deal with that somewhat. You can use it during the first phase of your movement to fly in a straight line and then perform a U-turn. It even lets you attack after turning!

You’ll be able to get the Swing Run ability as an update when leveling your ship, so make sure to look out for it and pick it up as soon as possible.

Predict Enemy Movements

Enemy ship highlight

Just like how your movement is limited during space battles, so is your enemies’. Pay attention to which direction enemy ships are facing and you’ll be able to easily predict where they will go.

This is especially useful if you use torpedoes, which have similar movement limitations to the ships. You need to be predictive when using torpedoes.

Torpedo that is about to expire safely

Speaking of torpedoes, pay attention to the number on them. It lets you know how many more turns they will be active.

If an enemy torpedo only has 1 turn left and is unliked to reach you, you don’t need to waste time shooting it down!

Fire Away!

Taking aim at the enemy

Unlike in ground combat, you get to move and attack multiple times each turn. You can even move a small distance, attack, move again, and attack again!

You can’t use the same set of cannons or weapons multiple times per turn, though. But you can use multiple ones until they’re all on cooldown!

It’s absolutely vital that you abuse this to maximize how much damage you deal each round. After all, your weapons all have different ranges they cover.

You’re unlikely to hit with every weapon without constant repositioning.

Cannons description

You should also aim to get behind enemy ships when possible, too. Their attack range is just as limited as yours, so take advantage of it.

Ideally, you should be hitting your enemies with at least your frontal cannons and one side of cannons every round.

The best defense is a strong offense in this game, so take enemies out quickly before they can deal too much damage.

There you have it! Considering how complex and deep Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader is, it’s important you equip yourself with all the valuable information you can get!

For that, we have more tips and tricks that you might want to check out to improve your gameplay!

ALSO READ: How To Get Past The First Mission in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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