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Character Creation Complete Guide in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

High levels of customization also mean high levels of complexity!




Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader has an extremely complex character creation system. Of course, this complexity also allows for a lot of customizability!

There are many systems at play when creating a character, and they all work in conjunction to determine your character’s abilities.

If you’re eager to dive into this deep customization system, read on! We’ll tell you everything you need to know about character creation in our complete guide.

The Basics of Character Creation

Character creation screen in Warhamer 40K Rogue Trader

Besides the obvious cosmetic options related to appearance, characters in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader have a lot of stats and skills to deal with.

Aside from making your own Rogue Trade, character creation is also used when you recruit Mercenaries.

We’ll be covering everything in detail in its own section, but the basis of it is that a character’s skills affect how they interact with the world.

For example, characters with high Coercion can manipulate others to do what they want, while characters with high Awareness are great at spotting secrets.

Skills are, in turn, affected by 9 different characteristics and stats. Even further, a character’s Homeworld and Origin can affect their skills and stats!

Argenta character sheet, one of the premade characters

As you can see, everything works in tandem to determine what your character behaves like in and out of combat.

To cap it all off, there are some Archetypes you can choose from. There are only 4 basic ones at the start, but you’ll be able to pick from Advanced ones later on.

These determine your character’s role in combat, such as Warriors being the strong melee tanks and Soldiers excelling at ranged attacks.

If the excessive customization is somewhat overwhelming, there are also some premade characters for you to pick from!

If you’re undeterred and wish to know more, then continue reading. We will detail what every part of the character creation process entails.

Characteristics and Stats

Characteristics section of character creation, stats on the left
  • Weapon Skill (WS) – Determines your character’s melee combat abilities. Higher WS will make your character less likely to miss, and also more likely to parry attacks.
  • Ballistic Skill (BS) – Similar to WS, but for ranged weapons. Greatly raises the accuracy of ranged attacks.
  • Strength (STR) – Determines how much damage your character deals with melee weapons.
  • Toughness (TGH) – Affects the overall defense of your character. Higher TGH will lower the damage you receive, as well as make you less likely to get affected by physical status ailments.
  • Agility (AGI) – Determines your character’s speed. Higher AGI allows them to take the initiative and greatly increases their dodge chance.
  • Intelligence (INT) – Your character’s knowledge, it’s primarily used for skill checks. It’s important for support units as it raises their Medicae and Logic skills, allowing them to more easily heal their allies.
  • Perception (PER) – How well your character perceives their surroundings. Greatly affects the Awareness skill, as well as increasing dodge chance.
  • Willpower (WP) – A character’s mental strength. Required to learn psychic powers and to deal with the terrors found in space. Also helps with negotiations and resisting mental status ailments.
  • Fellowship (FEL) – A character’s social ability. Mostly used to persuade and coerce others in conversations, allowing you to befriend or charm others.


Characteristics section of character creation, skills in the middle
  • Athletics – Mostly affected by Strength. Determines your character’s ability to traverse treacherous terrain.
  • Awareness – Mostly affected by Perception. Higher awareness allows characters to detect traps, hidden objects, and other secrets.
  • Carouse – Mostly affected by Toughness. Determines your character’s ability to resist physical status ailments, such as poison.
  • Coercion – Mostly affected by Fellowship. Determines your character’s ability to manipulate others to do their bidding.
  • Commerce – Mostly affected by Fellowship. Represents your character’s business know-how. Higher Commerce skills might allow them to barter for deals.
  • Demolition – Mostly affected by Agility. Allows your character to deactivate traps and use explosives to break obstacles.
  • Logic – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Determines your character’s ability to form rational thoughts, solve puzzles, operate cogitators, and the like.
  • Lore (Imperium) – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Determines a character’s knowledge of the Imperium’s history and tenets.
  • Lore (Warp) – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Helps the character understand the nature of Warp entities, as well as psychic abilities.
  • Lore (Xenos) – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Determines a character’s knowledge of known alien lifeforms. Also grants knowledge of alien tools, which can be used to disarm alien traps.
  • Medicae – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Governs a character’s ability to identify and treat injuries, making it a key skill for support units. Also improves the efficiency of Medikits.
  • Persuasion – Mostly affected by Fellowship. Determines a character’s ability to negotiate and convince others. Unlike Coercion, this is a more peaceful skill that relies on making good impressions.
  • Tech-Use – Mostly affected by Intelligence. Determines your character’s technological know-how. Higher levels allow characters to use and repair complex machinery, as well as to hack doors and cogitators.


Homeworld in character creation
  • Death World – The homeworld of survivalists and fighters. Characters from this world forgo INT and FEL in favor of physical stats. Their Survival Instinct talent allows them to better survive wounds and also boosts their dodge and armor.
  • Voidborn – Perfect for intellectual-type characters. Voidborn characters have extra WP and INT, but less STR. Their Fortune talent allows them to reroll certain failed skill checks, such as dodges and parries.
  • Hive World – A homeworld with large dense cities. Characters from this world have higher FEL and AGI, but lower WP. Their Strength in Numbers talent empowers them when they’re surrounded by other creatures, even if they’re hostiles.
  • Forge World – The world of skilled craftsmen. Less FEL than others, but more INT and TOU. They can pick from three starting talents: Subskin Armor to boost Armour, Locomotion System to boost AGI and Dodge, or Analytics System to boost Crit Chance.
  • Imperial World – A homeworld ruled by the Imperium. They have no set stat bonuses. Instead, their Humanity’s Finest talent lets you choose any stat you want to give a +10 bonus to. This causes no penalty for any other stat, either!
  • Fortress World – A homeworld engulfed in constant warfare. Characters from this world have extra PER and WP, but less FEL. Their Never Stop Shooting talent grants them a chance to get free turns after killing enemies.


Origin in Rogue Trader character creation
  • Astra Militarum Commander – An elite of the Imperial Guard. Gets extra PER as well as boosts to Medicae and BS. Their Regimental Tactics ability lets them buff adjacent allies’ Perception.
  • Commissar – Ruthless officer of the Officio Prefectus. Gets bonuses to WS, FEL, Coercion, and Athletics. They can use the At All Costs! Ability to boost their next attack, marking and weakening enemies.
  • Crime Lord – A rebel who leads a life of crime. Extra boosts to WS, PER, Awareness, and Logic. Their Sure-Fire Plan talent grants them a versatile variety of bonuses at the start of combat.
  • Ministorum Priest – A charismatic member of the Ecclesiarchy. Gets bonuses to TOU, WP, Lore (Imperium), and Medicae. They can use the War Hymn ability to grant extra momentum to their allies.
  • Navy Officer – A member of the Imperial Navy. Gains extra AGI, FEL, Commerce, and Demolition. They get the Brace for Impact! Ability, which will boost the defenses of their nearby allies for one round.
  • Noble – A member of the Imperium’s privileged elite. Gains bonuses to INT, FEL, Coercion, and Persuasion. Can assign one ally as a servant with the “You. Serve Me.” talent, which provides bonuses for the servant.
  • Sanctioned Psyker – A member of the Imperium with strong mental powers. Gets bonuses to TOU, WP, Carouse, and Lore (Warp). They can raise their Psy Rating to acquire new psychic powers.

Your origin will also allow you to choose certain “Triumphs” and “Darkest Hours”, which outline your character’s backstory. These can affect how others treat you, making for a great roleplay option!

Darkest Hour example


Archetype selection during character creation in Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader

Basic Archetypes:

  • Warrior – The main combative force, they focus on high mobility and melee combat. They’re resilient and tanky, making them perfect frontline units.
  • Officer – Leaders who use their Willpower and Fellowship to bolster their allies. A support unit that primarily relies on buffing and helping allies.
  • Operative – A cunning unit that uses their high Intelligence and Perception to find enemy weaknesses. They can deal high damage to single targets, debuff enemies, and penetrate defenses.
  • Soldier – Masters of ranged combat. They rely on using cover and ranged weapons to obliterate enemies from a distance.

Advanced Archetypes, can be learned after Level 16:

  • Assassin – A unit that focuses on quickly taking out single units with extremely damaging attacks, perfect for prioritizing targets. Can be learned by Warriors and Operatives.
  • Vanguard – A powerful frontline unit. Leaders who show their might by leading the charge themselves. Extremely resilient, but can also provide buffs to allies. Can be learned by Warriors and Officers.
  • Bounty Hunter – Cunning individuals who focus on single targets. They prioritize critical hits and defense reduction, as well as positioning. Can be learned by Soldiers or Operatives.
  • Master Tactician – Support units that can use momentum to bolster their own damage or buff allies. Can be learned by Soldiers or Officers.
  • Grand Strategist – A support archetype that can deftly control the battlefield by buffing allies and debuffing enemies. Can be learned by Operatives and Officers.
  • Arch-Militant – Master of all weapons, an extremely versatile unit that excels at both ranged and melee combat. Can be learned by Warriors or Soldiers.

Lastly, you can learn the Exemplar Archetype after Level 36. This Archetype is unique, as it allows you to combine the talents and abilities of your previous Basic and Advanced archetypes.

As such, its abilities depend on which archetypes you mastered previously!

ALSO READ: Where To Recruit Mercenaries in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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