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TEVI: All Potions Guide – Potion Collector Achievement

Drink ‘em all up to power up!




The Potion Collector achievement is exclusive to the demo for TEVI. Not to be confused with the “Potion Collector I” through “Potion Collector IV” achievements in the full game!

The full game doesn’t have an achievement for collecting every single Potion available due to the fact that there are over 180 potions to find. The demo, on the other hand, only has 25 Potions to find.

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to get all of the 25 Potions in TEVI’s demo. Keep in mind that these (or some of them) are also present in the official release version of the game.

How to Get the “Potion Collector” Achievement in TEVI’s Demo

As stated in our introduction, there are 25 Potions for you to find within TEVI’s unique demo. There are 5 potions of each of these colors: red, blue, green, purple, and yellow.

They each boost a different stat as well, as follows:

  • Cherry (Red): Boosts Melee Attack by 10%.
  • Kiwi (Green): Boosts Max HP by 40.
  • Grape (Purple): Boosts Ranged Attack by 8%.
  • Blueberry (Blue): Boosts Max MP by 80.
  • Lemon (Yellow): Boosts Max EP by 7.

Now, let’s go over how to get every single one in each of the many areas we get to explore in TEVI’s Demo.

Thanatara Canyon

Source: Cat Guides

Most rooms in this game are rather non-descript, so we’ll be mostly relying on the in-game map in this guide. Anyway, our first potion is found at the center of the Thanatara Canyon.

It sits behind some breakable blocks in the right edge of the room. You can break them using a Cross Bomb from the nearby ledge, allowing you to get the Red Potion.

The second potion is found closer to the top-left of the area, in another tall room.

Stand on the blocks near the top-right exit and wait for them to fall. This will allow you to reach the Green Potion.

Our third and final potion in this area is found in the room at the far right exit of the Thanatara Canyon. However, you can only reach it from Morose!

Go to Morose and take the leftmost exit which leads to the Gurun Desert. Then, follow the path marked by the red arrows in the image to reach this Purple Potion.

Gurun Desert

There is a singular Blue Potion in the Gurun Desert. It’s found in the middle part of the tall room on the leftmost edge of the area.

Find this small hole at the edge of the room and you’ll notice a block that seems out of place. Place a Cross Bomb directly below the block.

The Blue Potion will drop down once you break the block.


There’s only one Blue Potion in this area, as well. It’s found in the long room to the left of the Teleporter.

Just reach the leftmost edge of the room and jump up the platforms to reach this potion.

Verdawn Forest

There are 4 Potions to find in this area. Our first one is found in the large square room to the right of the zone’s entrance.

Approach the bottom-right corner of this room and you’ll find a wall covered with 3 breakable blocks. As always, break the blocks with a Cross Bomb! This will reveal a hidden exit.

Break the blocks on the rightmost wall of this room to get access to the Red Potion. Do be warned that the enemies will be freed, so get ready to fight!

You can find the second potion in the zone by taking the top-right exit out of the same large square room you were in before.

Use the cliffs here to jump to the ledge at the top of the room. It’s a bit tricky, so you’ll need to change your jump’s direction in mid-air to reach it.

This will lead you to a small hidden room with a Purple Potion sitting behind some breakable bombs. Cross Bomb time!

Now, go to the tall room with the Teleporter to find the third Potion in this area.

Just drop down to the bottom of the room and you’ll see a Yellow Potion behind some breakable blocks. Deal with the enemies, use a Cross Bomb on the blocks, and claim your Potion.

Time to get the final Potion in this area! Head to the long room at the right edge of the Verdawn Forest.

Look for some breakable blocks blocking a hole in the leftmost edge of the room. Break them with a Charged Shot and jump down the hole.

Go to the left inside of this new room to find a “?”-shaped set of blocks. Use your Cross Bomb on them.

Now just grab this Green Potion and we’re done in this area.


There are 3 more Potions to get in this zone. You can reach the first one from the room directly below the Teleporter.

Break down the blocks in the leftmost edge of the room with a Cross Bomb to reveal a new path.

Enter the new room and you’ll see the Yellow Potion on the left edge. You can jump and use your Air Dash ability to reach it, just be careful when fighting all the enemies!

Now, go back to the long room under the Teleporter. This time, take the exit at the rightmost edge to enter the adjacent tall room.

Drop down and you’ll see a Red Potion hiding directly below the entrance you came from.

Use a Charged Shot to break the wall and get the Potion.

Our last Potion in this zone is in the long room at the top of the western area.

Approach the rightmost edge of the room to spot some breakable blocks.

You’ll need to hit the bright balls in the ceiling and push them towards the blocks to break them. Do so and claim your Green Potion!

Ana Thema

There’s only one Potion in this little town area. Start from the room with the Teleporter and exit to your left. Then go up to the top-left room to find a door.

Enter this door to reach another area of the town.

Jump up the ledge to the left of the door to find a hidden path.

Climb up this hidden path to find a room with some blocks clogging up a small pathway. Use Cross Bomb on the blocks and dash through the opening to get a Red Potion.

The Plague Forest

This area has 5 Potions for you to find, making the most Potion-dense area in the demo. You’ll grab the first one in the tall room at the bottom-left of the zone.

Find this lone breakable block close to the topmost exit and place a Cross Bomb on it.

Now just grab the Blue Potion that appeared.

Next, reach the central long room in the top part of the zone.

Look for some bright balls hanging from the roots and smack one of them.

You have to push it towards the lone breakable block in the room.

Grab the Purple Potion once you break the block.

Next up, reach the gigantic room below the Teleporter.

Just go to the bottom left corner to find a Purple Potion out in the open. Be careful, though, there are a lot of strong enemies in the room!

Now, go to this room on the rightmost side of the zone.

You should see a giant gap between you and the distant ledge, use your Air Dash to reach the ledge.

Then place a Cross Bomb in the corner to break some blocks and reveal a Green Potion.

Lastly, go to this long room at the bottom right corner of the zone.

Stand on the spot shown on the image and the blocks will break, allowing Tevi to enter a new hidden room.

Carefully deal with the exploding fruits and then use a Charged Shot on the cracked wall to reach the Yellow Potion. You’re done with this area!


Now, you’ll need to beat the final boss of the demo: Malphage. This will allow you to access 2 more Potions in previous areas.

First, return to the Plagued Forest and head to the far right in the area. You should now be able to access some new rooms here!

Reach the room shown on the map above to find a Yellow Potion guarded by a powerful enemy.

Right after you get the previous potion, continue moving further down in the area. You’ll eventually reach an exit leading to the Gloamwood area.

The last Blue Potion is right below you as you enter the area.

Ana Thema Shop & Meeting Vena

The last thing to do at this point is to visit the shop in Ana Thema and purchase all 5 Potions there. They all cost 3000 each, so you’ll need to bring 15000 Gold!

With every Potion in your possession now, you’ll need to finish the demo and start up New Game+. This will make Vena appear at the top-right corner of Ana Thema.

Speak to Vena there and she’ll comment on your Potion gathering skills, unlocking the Potion Collector achievement at last!

ALSO READ: TEVI: Surprise Secret Achievement Guide

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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