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Fortnite – Magic Mosses Location | Chapter 6

Why is it magic, you ask? Because there’s loot in it. Duh.



Fortnite just released another banger of a chapter, which means that we get to explore an entirely new map with a ton of unique features, bosses, and more. In this guide, we will briefly be covering Magic Mosses, which is one of the points of interest in the new Japanese-themed map. Is it a good spot to drop into or not? Let us find out!

Magic Mosses Location | Chapter 6

The Magic Mosses zone can be found directly at the northern edge of the map, sandwiched between Pumped Power and Flooded Frogs. From above, it mainly just looks like a large forest, but there are actually quite a few structures to explore in there.

Fortnite map with magic mosses highlighted

Depending on where you land, you can find some chests out in the open. There are also a handful of houses that should have enough for a solo player to get started.

At around the center point, right where the “Magic Mosses” text is, there is a small village with a decent amount of loot spawns scattered all around it. The loot density is not too high, but it should be enough for a squad or two to duke it out.

If you dropped here, you should be able to find a Sprite Shrine too by looking for a white beam of light extending out of the forest. Activate one of these to detect any nearby sprites, and pick one up if you plan on going to the village.

Fortnite player in the magic mosses village

Within the village mentioned above, you should be able to see a suspiciously destructible wooden panel under the middle structure. You can break through two layers of wood down there to reach a hidden cave below.

In here, you will be able to find a secret vault hidden between two turtle statues in one corner of the cave. With a sprite on hand (of any type, just hold it), the rock covering the entrance should start rising, revealing more loot behind it!

Fortnite player breaking into the secret vault

Aside from everything mentioned above, there really isn’t anything else special about the place, at least as far as we know. It is an okay spot to drop into at the start of the match, but we believe that it is hardly worth looting if you have already been to the other nearby points of interest.

While you are here, consider taking a peek at our guide on how to defeat the Night Rose boss at Demon’s Dojo. This location is just a short trek away from Magic Mosses, and if nobody has been there yet, you have a shot at getting some decent loot and special items!

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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