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WoW: Janky Candles Guide | The War Within WoW: Janky Candles Guide | The War Within


WoW: Janky Candles Guide | The War Within

High quality candles at low prices, Janky’s guarantee!



“Janky Candles” is one the quests you will find in WoW – The War Within that starts out on the Isle of Dorn and ends in The Ringing Deeps region.

The objective of this quest is to fulfill requests for a bunch of NPCs. The reason for doing this is so you can get the tools required by Janky to build a stall for selling his candles. Now all of this can become quite confusing as the NPCs requests are linked to each other. But worry not as I will show how to get it done quickly in this guide!

Guide on the Janky Candles Quest

As you are probably aware by now, that this quest is given by Janky. You will find him near Cinderbrew Meadery on the Isle of Dorn in the location given below. The exact coordinates for his location are: 72.06 42.07.

Quest Giver - WoW: Janky Candles Guide | The War Within

Now that you have accepted the quest, you need to talk to a couple of NPCs in a specific order. You will find all the NPCs in the location marked in the image below. This is the Gundargaz area of The Ringing Deeps.

Location of all NPCs required for the quest

First Phase of NPC Interactions

Once you arrive at the above given location, talk with the NPCs mentioned below in the given order. I will share their coordinates as well so refer to those if you have trouble finding them.

  • Bosh <General Goods>
    • Talk to him and select “Do you have the parts required for a merchant stall?
    • Coordinates: 47.44 32.52
  • Innkeeper Brax <Innkeeper>
    • Speak with him and select the option “I’d like to speak with you about Bosh’s tab.” and then “Is there anything I could do for you instead? A quest, perhaps?
    • Coordinates: 47.94 32.17
  • Foreman Shalea
    • Talk to her and select “Is there anything I could do to speed up the repairs?
    • Coordinates: 47.55 31.63
  • Machinist Valyka <Blacksmith>
    • Speak with her and select “I’m here to check on Foreman Shalea’s order.”
    • Coordinates: 47.64 32.92
  • Foreman Svart
    • Talk to him and select “Do you have Machinist Valyka’s order of coal?
    • Coordinates: 47.44 28.35

Gather Elementally Active Coal

After talking to Foreman Svart, you need to get 12 Elementally Active Coal. You can do that by interacting with coal heaps that look like the ones marked below. They are present in the same area where Foreman Svart is standing. As you are gathering coal, you will be attacked by Coal Rager mobs so be aware of that.


Second Phase of NPC Interactions

After gathering the coal, interact with following NPCs in the given order:

  • Machinist Valyka <Blacksmith>
    • Select “I brought the coal. It’s extra feisty.” when you talk to her.
  • Foreman Shalea
    • Talk to her and select “I’ve got a fresh order of tools. Still hot from the forge“.
  • Innkeeper Brax <Innkeeper>
    • Speak with him and select “Shalea and her crew will be wrapping up as soon as possible.
  • Bosh <General Goods>
    • And finally talk to him and select “Brax says he won’t cut you off. For now, anyway.

And after that, Bosh will give you the tools required for building a stall. Now go and bring that good news to Janky who will be standing near Machinist Valyka. His coordinates are 47.58 33.31. Give him the parts and then mark the quest complete.

Turn in quest to Janky

This quest was a doozy, wasn’t it? But it is finally over now! Since you are in the area of Innkeeper Brax, why not help him with the “Brax’s Brass Knuckles” quest? It is much easier than this quest, that’s for sure!

Whether it's the old classics like Final Fantasy, Advance Wars on the GBA, JRPGs like Persona 4 Golden, Disgaea on the Vita or mainstream titles like Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Haider has played them all. Even with 200+ titles under his belt, his passion for gaming is just as strong as it was a decade ago. Writing has given him the chance to spread this passion with others.

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