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World of Warcraft: Felmyst Boss Guide

Felmyst, the Third Boss of the Burning Crusade Classic in World of Warcraft is the biggest obstacle you will face as you approach the Sunwell Plateau.



Felmyst is the third boss of The Burning Crusade Classic’s final raid, the Sunwell Plateau. The blue dragon, Madrigosa, will be revived as Felmyst, an undead dragon, once you successfully kill Brutallus.

Felmyst will soar overhead in the same area where you killed Brutallus and can be attacked with a ranged weapon or spell. She will also land on the ground after some time. Once defeated, Felmyst will drop tier 6 boots tokens for all classes.

Felmyst Boss Guide in World of Warcraft

Felmyst has two phases: ground and air, which will take turns on a timer until the boss is defeated. When you successfully pull her, Felmyst will land and commence combat in the ground phase.

Each ground phase is around 60 seconds long, while each air phase is around 100 seconds long. This guide will give you the best tips on how to defeat Felmyst fast.

Defeating Felmyst

The easiest and fastest way to defeat Felmyst is to burn her down, possibly to 1%, during her first phase. In addition, try not to die on her second phase, and deal a finishing blow when she lands again.

If your group has a very high DPS output, you can even finish off Felmyst before she reaches the air phase.

To successfully defeat Felmyst, here are some tips for each role:

  • Tanks
  • When Felmyst uses her Cleave ability, tank her facing away from the rest of your group
  • During Corrosion, defensive cooldowns and abilities are a huge help
  • Once in air phase, focus on the Unyielding Dead that will spawn around the area
  • One or two tanks are enough
  • Melee
  • Use Cloak of Shadows or Divine Shield to remove Encapsulate debuff
  • If a Priest’s Mass Dispel is too slow, Paladin’s Cleanse is suitable for Felmyst’s Gas Nova
  • Ranged
  • Use Ice Block to remove Encapsulate debuff
  • During air phase, continue dealing damage since you will be the only one to do so
  • Healer
    • Around 7-8 healers are recommended
    • Priests should use Mass Dispel when Gas Nova is cast; at least three Priests are advised
    • Focus on the group’s Tank when Corrosion happens, use Pain Suppression if you have a Discipline Priest
    • Make sure Encapsulate is debuffed every time

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