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No Man’s Sky: How to Get Relic Base Parts | Worlds Part II

Want to get some of the new structures? Here is how to find them!



No Man’s Sky released the Worlds Part II update that added a ton of new content, including star systems, planet types, quality of life changes, and even a quest that eases you into all of this. Among the new stuff are constructable relics that you can add to your bases. These are found in various planet types, and this guide will tell you which ones!

How to Get Relic Base Parts | Worlds Part II

Just like the vast majority of the new content added in this update, you will first need to complete the “In Stellar Multitudes” quest. This requires a lot of other prerequisites that are currently unclear to the community, but we have more information in our guide on how to unlock purple star systems.

Once you have access to purple star systems, all you need to do from this point on is to find planets with the “Ruined” or “Abandoned” tag. “The Reliquary” is another type that can have these ancient relics, and all of these planets are reportedly only found in purple systems.

In these types of planets, you will find various ruins of an ancient civilization that once lived there. You can actually break these apart to gather resources that are used for relic base parts. Go ahead and harvest from them while you explore the area!

No Mans Sky example of a harvestable relic

In order to unlock any of the new relic structures, you must explore the planet and find memory stones. By interacting with these, you will be granted the recipe for a ruined structure that looks like the ones you find scattered all around the ground, though slightly cleaner.

As mentioned earlier, building these will require a new resource called Polished Stone, which is acquired from the dusty old relics themselves. You will also need a bit of Magnetised Ferrite for some parts. All of these structures have the “Ruined” tag on them.

No Mans Sky player approaching a memory stone

And that is everything you need to know to unlock these new structures, which are purely decorative. If you want to get all of the recipes, you will just need to continue looking for ruined or abandoned planets. Unfortunately, we are not sure how many recipes there are exactly.

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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