With the latest patch released for No Man’s Sky, a ton of new stuff was added to the game. This includes stuff like new system and planet types, a bunch of quality of life changes, and an entire quest that slowly teaches you about the new content. In this guide, we will go over how you can unlock the new aquatic themed helmets!
How to Get All Aquarium / Fish Bowl Helmets | Worlds Part II
Before you can get started, just know that you might need to complete the new In Stellar Multitudes quest first, because it unlocks purple systems and is likely your key to finding the new planet types. Check out our guide on how to find purple star systems and more for more information.
Once you have managed to unlock the purple star systems, you should be all set to start looking for the new planet types. To unlock the new helmets, you basically have to get player titles that are related to the fishing activity, with some of which locked behind stuff like gas giants.
To get all of the known new aqua themed helmets from this update, you will need to unlock the following fishing titles:
Child of Aquarius – Defeat a deepwater guardian. To do this, you will need to catch a Child of Aquarius and then release it to spawn the boss that you need to beat.
Friend of the Ocean – Release a total of60 fish.
Fishmonger –Sell a lot of fish. Nobody knows the exact number or value that you need to sell for this, and the game itself only has a vague description for this requirement.
the Angler – Catch a total of 250 fish.
of the Old River – Catch all of the legendary fish. This will require you to explore some of the new planet types found in purple star systems as well.
Wet Boots – Catch a total of five boots from fishing.
And that is really all there is to it. There is no deep challenges involved from what we can tell, but getting all of them might take a bit of time depending on how much you enjoy fishing in the game!
Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.