This event will run from February 4th, 2025 to February 24th, 2025. If you already participated in it in 2024, you should know what to expect. Just like last year, the event is entirely about finding Sandwurm Eggs on the map and helping defend them from mobs. The more eggs you manage to defend, the better your rewards will be!
In this guide, we’ll look at everything you need to know about the Siege of Sulfur event in 2025. We’ll tell you how to participate in it and what rewards you can claim.
Siege of Sulfur 2025 Event Guide | New World Aeternum
Defend the Eggs!
The main focus of the Siege of Sulfur event in New World: Aeternum is the same in 2025 as it was in 2024. Your goal is to look for egg-shaped icons on the map, like the one shown above, and approach them. These eggs will appear from February 4th, 2025 to February 24th, 2025. Make sure to play during this time window if you wish to join the event!
Either way, you will find 3 Sandwurm Eggs when you reach one of the spots with an icon. Various groups of Sulfur Elementals and other mobs will spawn to try to destroy the 3 eggs. All you need to do is team up with other players to defend the eggs until the mobs stop attacking. Just keep in mind that you should be Level 60 to participate.
Once you and the other players defeat all the enemies, you will receive rewards based on your performance. These are the following rewards, as officially noted by the developers:
Defend only 1 egg:
One GS700 procedural weapon or armor piece
Some level-appropriate consumables
A chance at some random loot, including refining resources, perk items, rare resources, or crafting schematics
A 50% chance to earn 1 Obsidian Gypsum (standard 3x loot limit)
Defend 2 eggs:
1-2 GS700 procedural weapons or armor pieces
Some level-appropriate consumables
A chance at some random loot, including refining resources, perk items, rare resources, or crafting schematics
An 80% chance to earn 1 Obsidian Gypsum (standard 3x loot limit)
Defend all 3 eggs for a perfect victory:
Two GS700 procedural weapons or armor pieces
Some level-appropriate consumables
A chance at some random loot, including refining resources, perk items, rare resources, or crafting schematics
Aside from the randomized basic rewards mentioned before, you can also get daily bonus rewards up to 3 times a day. These are a bonus on top of the default rewards, so you ideally want to do at least 3 egg-defense events each day. The daily bonuses reset at 5:00 AM local time each day, as well.
The developers have announced the following potential daily bonus rewards for the Siege of Sulfur 2025 event:
Guaranteed 100 Dark Matter
1 Guaranteed GS700 event-only procedural weapon, always rolls Epic+ with the following stats:
Weapon-appropriate Attribute
Guaranteed Gem Slot
Two Random Perks
1 Guaranteed GS700 event-only procedural armor piece, always rolls Epic+ with the following stats:
Random Weight-appropriate Single Stat Attribute
Chitin in Gem Slot
Two Random Perks
A 30% chance for 1 of 6 pieces of GS710 Legendary Named gear:
Oasis of Life (Life Staff)
Heatstroke (Blunderbuss)
Stalker’s Sand (Hatchet)
Dunewinds (Ice Gauntlet)
Sun Seal (Light Chest)
Bloodwalker (Light Footwear)
25% chance for the Sandwurm Egg of the Protector (Housing Item). Limit: one per event.
2% chance for the Mini Shah Neshen Helm Skin. Your chances to get this skin increase with every successful egg defense run. It becomes guaranteed (100% chance) after 30 runs. Limit: one per event.
So, there you have it, that’s everything need to know about the Siege of Sulfur 2025 event in New World: Aeternum. Ultimately, it’s an extremely simple and easy event, as the mobs aren’t much of a threat. But well, at least now you know how to participate in it and what rewards to expect!
Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.