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New World Aeternum: All 8 New Artifacts

Get your hands on these powerful new Artifacts!



Artifacts are a big part of New World Aeternum’s gameplay, and the latest update for the game has added 8 new Artifacts for players to find and use. They are generally some of the strongest items in the game, and each Artifact in New World comes with its own unique perk that sets itself apart from all other items.

In this guide, we will be looking at what the new Artifacts are and what their stats and perks are.

All 8 New Artifacts

Gameplay of a boss encounter in New World

Grace – Greatsword

The Grace greatsword
  • Stats
    • 75 Base Damage
    • 7.0% Critical Hit Chance
    • 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier
    • 60.0 Block Stamina Damage
    • 60.0 Stagger Damage
    • 34% Block Stability
    • 221 Slash Damage
  • Perks
    • +38 Magnify to highest attribute
    • Offensive Speed: When you enter Offensive Stance, gain 20% movement speed for 6 seconds.
    • Empty Socket: Attach a Gem to add its effect
    • Vicious: 7% Critical Damage
    • Keen Speed: 20% haste for 7 seconds
    • Random Perk: If gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

To Start off our list we have Grace, a hard-hitting greatsword perfect for all sorts of melee builds. Grace is an extremely versatile sword, as it perfectly combines strength with speed. The “Offensive Speed” skill gives you a lot of mobility with this weapon, which is perfect for both PvE and PvP. Other than that, the “Vicious” and “Keen Speed” perks make critical hits even stronger for you.

This specific Artifact can be unlocked through the game’s season pass, so you don’t have to worry about going out of your way to unlock it.

Power Stone – Flail

The Power Stone flail
  • Stats
    • 56 Base Damage
    • 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
    • 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier
    • 39.0 Block Stamina Damage
    • 39.0 Stagger Damage
    • 24% Block Stability
    • 183 Strike Damage
  • Perks
    • +38 Magnify to highest attribute
    • Heavy Burden: If health is above 90%, attacks cause 20% Weaken for 5 seconds.
    • Empty Socket
    • Refreshing Move: Light and heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.5%
    • Enchanted: Light and heavy attacks deal 5% more damage
    • Random Perk: If gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

Another Artifact weapon, the Power Stone is a very interesting weapon, as while you are dealing damage with it, you can also weaken your foes. The weapon’s unique perk, “Heavy Burden”, allows you to weaken foes when you damage them. This combined with the extra damage from “Enchanted” makes the Power Stone a very strong melee weapon option.

The Power Stone flail can be unlocked through Soul Trials. You can check out the specific Soul Trials you need to complete for this Artifact can be seen in the World Database inside the game.

Trsna – War Hammer

The Trsna war hammer
  • Stats
    • 84 Base Damage
    • 6.0% Critical Hit Chance
    • 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier
    • 64.0 Block Stamina Damage
    • 64.0 Stagger Damage
    • 27% Block Stability
  • Perks
    • +38 Magnify to the highest attribute
    • Consume: 25% life steal vs knocked down foes
    • Empty Socket
    • Lifestealing: Heal for 7.1% of the damage you deal
    • Trenchant Recovery: Heal for 25% of the damage dealt by heavy melee attacks
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or(675-725)

Most of this weapon’s strength comes from its lifestealing ability. You can restore a ton of your health through the unique weapon perk called “Consume“. In addition to that perk, you can also restore health using the “Lifestealing” and “Trenchant Recovery” perks. All 3 of these perks combine to give you an ultimate healing weapon.

To unlock this weapon, you will need to defeat a boss within the “Hive of Gorgons”. We will probably learn more about what specific boss you need to defeat when the full game comes out.

Elemental Band – Ring

The Elemental Band ring
  • Perks
    • +32 Magnify to the highest attribute
    • Elemental Affinity: When you hit a target with an elemental damage attack (does not trigger on damage over time or attunements), gain 4% empower for 6 seconds. (10 seconds cooldown per damage type, max 1 stack per type).
    • Empty Socket
    • Keen Awareness: +7% Critical Chance
    • Hearty: +10% max Stamina
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

The Elemental Band is a powerful new ring that is designed specifically for players who want to utilize elemental damage. Its unique skill called “Elemental Affinity” allows you to empower your attacks after you hit a target with any kind of elemental damage. A cool thing about this perk is that it has a different cooldown for each element. So you can deal more damage depending on how many different elements you deal damage with.

Like Tsrna, the Elemental Band can be unlocked through the “Hive of Gorgons” raid.

Cowl of Power – Light Headwear

The Cowl of Power light headwear
  • Stats
    • 103.0 Armor Rating – Elemental
    • 103.0 Armor Rating – Physical
  • Perks
    • +32 Magnify to highest attribute
    • Desperate Energy: If you hit an enemy while your mana is below 50%, gain 4 seconds of 25% increased damage.
    • Empty Socket
    • Enchanted Ward: -4% damage from light and heavy attacks
    • Health: Increase max health by 2.4% of the base value
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

The Cowl of Power is an extremely powerful piece of headgear, as it has the potential to increase your overall damage by 25%. To make use of this perk, you will need to be below 50% mana, so if your build uses a lot of mana consistently, this headgear might be exactly what you need.

You can unlock this headwear through the season pass.

Survivor’s Coat – Heavy Chestwear

The Survivor's Coat heavy chestwear
  • Stats
    • 794.7 Armor Rating – Elemental
    • 794.7 Armor Rating – Physical
  • Perks
    • +32 Magnify to the highest attribute
    • Survive: If you get hit while your health is below 50%, gain 50 stamina, lose all debuffs, and gain a potion surge that will recharge your next healing potion instantly.
    • Empty Socket
    • Enchanted Ward: -4% damage from light and heavy attacks
    • Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 4%
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

The Survivor’s Coat is the only Heavy armor item on this list, and in terms of power level, probably the strongest. It has pretty high defensive stats, which is expected of a heavy armor piece, but what really sets it apart is the “Survive” perk. “Survive” gives the user a huge stamina boost and makes them lose all debuffs when they take damage below 50% health. The perk acts like a second chance, and having it will decrease your chances of dying by a lot.

You can unlock this chestwear using the Doubloons PvP currency coming to the game with the new Artifacts.

Azoth Conductors – Medium Legwear

The Azoth Conductors medium legwear
  • Stats
    • 249.9 Armor Rating – Elemental
    • 249.9 Armor Rating – Physical
  • Perks
    • +32 Magnify to the highest attribute
    • Magician’s Boon: If in Medium equip weight, deal 15% more elemental damage
    • Empty Socket
    • Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 4%
    • Health: Increase max health by 2.4% if the base value
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

The Azoth Conductors is another piece of armor that is extremely powerful in a lot of different builds. “It has a pretty easy to trigger unique perk that you can passively utilize when you are in medium load. “Magician’s Boon”, the armor’s unique perk, allows you to passively deal 15% more elemental damage while you are in medium load. This is an extremely powerful perk if you manage your equip load properly, as a 15% passive increase is a lot.

Once again, you can unlock this Artifact through the “Hive of Gorgons” raid.

Ghostly Touch – Medium Gloves

The Ghostly Touch medium gloves
  • Stats
    • 187.4 Armor Rating – Elemental
    • 187.4 Armor Rating – Physical
  • Perks
    • +32 Magnify to the highest attribute
    • Ghostly Embrace: When you hit an Empower foe, dispell 2 of their Empowers and give yourself 10 seconds of 10% empower.
    • Empty Socket
    • Enchanted Ward: -4% damage from light and heavy attacks
    • Refreshing: Reduce max cooldowns by 4%
    • Random Perk: if gear score is (600-625) or (675-725)

The Ghostly Touch gloves are again a very cool and unique armor piece, as having them on will allow you to steal empowers from your enemies. Its unique skill called “Ghostly Embrace” removes an empower from your opponents and gives some of that empowers effectiveness to you. A perk like this is perfect for most PvP encounters, as most enemies that you face will have some sort of empowering effect on them.

You can unlock these gloves using the Doubloons PvP currency.

While you’re here, do be sure to check out our list of all PvP and PvE perks in New World Aeternum!

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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