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Lost Light: All Maps Guide | Loot and NPCs Spawn Locations

Find good loot, locate elite enemies and defeat them.




Lost Light is an Escape From Tarkov-like game. It is a free-to-play survival shooter developed by NetEase Games. You will join the Firefly task force and either scavenge or fight through your way guns blazing. This guide will show you loot and NPC spawn locations found in the maps of Lost Light.

All Maps Guide in Lost Light

In Lost Light, you can earn money by looting. Use this money to upgrade your character by buying better weapons and gears. You are tasked to collect loot in a match and then escape through an escape point to stash your loot. After finishing the match, you can sell your loot and store the guns you obtained.

In the game, there is an NPC called a Marauder. They can hold items like weapons, healing items, ammo, and armor. But there is a stronger version of them called an Elite Marauder, who drops precious loot and tend to behave differently from the normal marauders.

While they can easily kill players, they have the penchant to stalk you first instead of being aggressive. It is better to snipe them from a distance or use grenades. When planning to fight marauders, it is essential to have a teammate since these monsters never finish off downed players.

Loot and NPCs Spawn Locations

There are 4 maps, these are their loot and NPC spawn locations:

  • First is BAF Factory
  • Second is Mt. Akiyama
  • Third is Windswept Harbor
  • Last map is ARK Company

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2 years ago

This seems to be a little out of date.

I recently started playing and in 15 openings of Bunker on Mt. Akiyama I have never seen a GPU there and neither has my buddy who has done his own runs through there.

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