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Fortnite: Royal Ruin Location | Season 4

Take a quick tour and run around the ruins.




The latest update of Fortnite Season 4 is out on December 4, 2022, which stirred up excitement among the players because of all the newly added features.

As you update and enter the game, you will see new skins, sprays, map regions, and even non-player characters or NPCs that can give you some high-quality and rare drops.

New map locations are seen on the map as gray areas. This means that you must reach this region first and set a new landmark to discover this.

However, it might be too confusing for you to find certain map areas that you do not know the name of. That being said, we made this guide to make it easier for you in finding the places you want to see.

Royal Ruin Location in Fortnite Season 4

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One of the new map regions is called the Royal Ruin which is located on the western part of the Fortnite world map. You can see it in the southern part of Breakwater Bay and the northern part of Shattered Slabs.

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Once you arrive or drop off at this marked location, you can see these ruins around. You can freely go in and out of this building.

What’s more interesting about going inside here is that you will be able to see and meet the Wild Card.

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Wild Card is one of the NPCs that you have to meet in this new season. Approaching and interacting with them will give an epic weapon which is Ex-Caliber Rifle, and an exotic one called the Unstable Bow.

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If you take a tour inside, you will also see some more high-quality guns that you can use to fight your opponents and put you on an advantage.

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