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fortnite exile isle location season 4 fortnite exile isle location season 4


Fortnite: Exile Isle Location | Season 4

No one’s barred in here! Come in Exile Isle.




From the latest Fortnite Season 4 update, new sprays, skins, and even maps are added to make your game experience even better.

Once you enter the game and look at the map, you will notice the added gray-colored regions in between or next to the previous map regions that you have explored in your recent games.

Now that the new map locations are added, it is now time for you to take advantage of the new spots and buildings to outplay your enemies. However, you might wonder where you can find these locations and what they are called in the game. That being said, we made this location guide for you to reach one of the new map regions.

Exile Isle Location in Fortnite Season 4

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One of the new map locations is the Exile Isle. What you have to keep in mind if you plan on going here is that you should be willing to travel even if it reaches the end of the world. When I say the end of the world, this means the end of the world map.

As you can see in the picture, Exile Isle is located at the southeasternmost of the Fortnite world map. You can use Faulty Splits and Frenzy Fields as landmarks as you can see in between these regions.

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If you look closely, the first thing that would come to your mind is a lonely island. But this lonely island has so much in store for you.

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Once you arrived at the marked location, you can see this abandoned castle-like building. You can use it to camp enemies and hide while you restore your life and energy. But there’s more inside it.

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As you walk further inside, you can also see a chest in one of its corners. Another chest is also available as you explore the rooms on the upper floors.

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What’s even more exciting is an Oathbound Chest that you can see on the uppermost floors of this building. You can get epic loots such as the Shockwave Hammer.

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