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Farthest Frontiers: How to Get Flax

Get those Flax to survive the cold weather!



If you’ve been playing Farthest Frontiers you might have realized by now how difficult this game can be. With so much going on at the same time, things can become a little overwhelming if you don’t know what you are doing.

One of the most important parts of the game is farming. At any stage of the game, knowing how to properly utilize farming will help you out a lot. Farming in Farthest Frontiers will not only keep your settlement well-fed, but it can also generate gold for you.

Flax is one of the crops you can choose to harvest. In this guide, we will look at how you can get your hands on some Flax in Farthest Frontiers.

How to Get Flax

The best way to get Flax is by literally farming it. Plot your crops and assign Flax on your crop field in your town or settlement. 

Crop Farm

The image above shows a crop field in this town. By clicking on this crop field you will open your menu which allows you to choose your crop rotations.

Crop Field Rotation Menu

In the crop field menu, you can select a crop to insert in the crop rotation. The arrow on the left shows this. The arrow to the right shows us what the Flax icon looks like in the game.

You can add Flax to any crop rotation you want depending on your need for Flax. Some players like to overproduce so they can prepare for the future. You can select multiple Flax on the crop rotation menu to see your yield factors.

Make sure to maximize your farming methods. You can also produce other crops in a single field.

What is Flax Used For?

Weaver Building Tooltip

Production of other goods is the primary use of Flax.

The Weaver building is an example of a building that uses Flax to produce something else. Goods produced using Flax can either be used in your town or sold for gold.

Since the Weaver Building produces clothes, you can assume that you’ll need a lot of Flax to provide clothes for your people when winter arrives.

Any overproduction of Flax could be sold for gold since you can turn it into a finished product. You don’t have to worry about overproducing. When you underproduce, your villagers might get sick because of the weather. It is better to be prepared than to adjust during a crisis.

ALSO READ: Farthest Frontier: Beginner’s Guide | Everything You Need to Know

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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