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Brighter Shores: Deposit Items from the Inventory Without Going to the Bank

It is going to take a lot of work, but it will be worth it, we swear!



Have you already progressed far into Brighter Shores? By the second chapter, you are probably already getting really tired of running back and forth between resource nodes and storage areas. Luckily for you, there is a way to access storage remotely, but the grind for it will be really long and annoying. Here is a quick guide on how to start storing items without running to a bank!

Deposit Items from the Inventory Without Going to the Bank

Early in the game, you actually get a taste of this via the Quartermaster spell. However, that is only for weapons and armor, which is obviously nowhere near the scope you would need if you have been training other professions.

Fortunately, there is something known as the Storage Rift spell, which lets you access various banks from almost anywhere in the map. The grind for it will be long and arduous, though, so let us go through it in detail!

Grinding Up Carpenter

First, you will need to reach level 32 carpenter. This requires several hours worth of grinding, and there is barely any way to speed this up aside from buying the supplies. Do note that buying supplies for it will burn through your cash stack.

One good bit of advice is to save knowledge points once you can start leveling up carpenter. These are accumulated by training any skill, but you have to spend it once it reaches 100% as it will not accumulate more EXP until you do.

As of writing this, they have not rebalanced this yet. The rough estimate for reaching this level is around 8 to 10 hours total of focused active grinding, so any boost helps.

Brighter Shores player training carpenter

The Quest – The Spider’s Nest

The Spider’s Nest is started by speaking to Toblaine within Hopeforest, which is the second “episode” of the game. This requires 32 carpenter and 20 woodcutter, the latter of which should be a breeze compared to the other.

Brighter Shores player starting the spider's nest

The steps are relatively easy to follow, especially since locations in the map are clearly labeled. To help guide you, here is a summary of the steps involved in the quest after the initial encounter:

  • Step 1 – Talk to Hamish Truefire. He can be found at the Small Clearing, and he will ask you to get various items for him.
  • Step 2 – Find a Golden Marrow. Go to Mr. McGrish’s House and attempt to take the owner’s golden crop.
    • Pick a Marrow at Timberwell Green along the way.
    • Pick up the can of gold paint at Timberwell Side Road as well.
    • Use the paint on the Marrow to turn it gold.
  • Step 3 – Head to the Huntsman’s Lodge and accept the task to hunt a Spriggan. These are found at the Treeway Junction, and you will be rewarded with a badge upon completion.
  • Step 4 – Return to Mr. McGrish’s House and let yourself into the garden with the help of the Vegetable Judge badge. Use your fake golden Marrow on the legitimate one on the ground.
  • Step 5 – Acquire a snake eyeball by killing a Viper. These can be found at Snakes Clearing or Snakes Path.
  • Step 6 – Craft two uncoated anti-acid shields, which will require carpenter level 32.
  • Step 7 – Finally, go back to Hamish Truefire and follow him until you reach the Pool of Rainbows.
Brighter Shores Marcus Mint using storage rift

Once you are at the Pool of Rainbows, Marcus Mint will show you the Storage Rift spell, which is exactly what we have been working towards. To complete the quest, get the tar rat from Hamish Truefire and make your way back to the Cliffside Path.

After fighting some level 35 spiders, you can now save Toblaine and finish The Spider’s Nest once and for all. This will reward you with a ton of Scout and Carpenter EXP, as well as free use of the Storage Rift spell.

This spell allows you to access banks remotely, as long as there is a Storage Rift Marker nearby. These are marked in the map, and can be found in several convenient locations.

To use them, simply walk up to a marker and open it to automatically cast the Storage Rift spell. This will bring up a menu showing all of the banks that you can access, which will depend on the materials you are carrying in your inventory at that moment.

For example, if you are holding some potion reagents, you will be able to store them directly at the appropriate bank. If you have items that fall under different categories, their respective banks will also be shown in this menu.

Brighter Shores storage rift marker, highlighted

And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to start storing items without running to a physical storage space. The unlocking process is long and tedious, but it grants you an undeniably massive quality of life upgrade, and it is definitely worth rushing to the second episode to get it ASAP.

Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.

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