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Ravenswatch: Beginner’s Guide | Top Tips

Take up arms against the Nightmares with our help!




Ravenswatch is a fresh new roguelike from the developers of Curse of the Dead Gods. In it, you get to play as fallen fairy folk characters as they face off against powerful Nightmares!

It’s a very challenging game, with a lot of unique systems to keep in mind, so it can be overwhelming at first.

To make things a bit easier for you, we’re here to give some important tips to help you take on these Nightmares!

Use Your Time Wisely

Source: Official Steam Page

The main goal in this game is to get yourself ready before the Master Nightmare awakens. Master Nightmares are big, strong bosses that appear after some time passes.

Be sure to kill enemies and complete side quests as much as possible before they appear. This will get you experience, powering up your character for the upcoming fight!

You will also get Dreamshards, which are the game’s currency. These can be traded in with the Sandman for upgrades and items to help you.

Don’t dawdle too much, seize the day.

There’s a Day and Night Cycle

Source: OhDough

You will have to keep an eye out for the time of day in this game. It’s shown on the bottom right of the screen.

The time of day will affect the behavior of your enemies, and some of the abilities of the playable characters.

For example, Scarlet becomes a werewolf at night! This completely changes her abilities, as it turns her into a different character entirely.

Don’t Ignore Your Map

You have a mini-map that’s always visible at the bottom right of the screen. This map also marks nearby points of interest, such as chests and optional bosses.

Do not neglect it! It will make your life much easier when it comes to finding loot, NPCs, quests, and enemies. It will be crucial to your progress.

Stagger Enemies

Strong enemies in this game have a white bar under their Health bar. Fill this bar up by damaging them and they will be staggered!

Staggered enemies are incapable of attacking you or defending themselves. Seize the opportunity to deal huge damage when this happens, or to get some breathing room if needed.

You will really want to stagger Elite enemies in particular. They have a shield icon next to their health bar, which shows that they are taking reduced damage from all sources.

However, they lose this armor effect once staggered! Be as aggressive as you can, stagger them, and finish them off before they get back up.

Power Up Across Runs

In true modern roguelike fashion, you will unlock meta-progression rewards by reaching milestones in each run.

When you finish a run, be it in victory or defeat, you will get a result screen. Your performance will be graded based on various factors, such as difficulty, and given a numeric score.

This numeric score will count toward your current character’s level. Leveling them up in this way will unlock more possible upgrades and items for them to use, making subsequent runs easier.

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