Get all of the sonance caskets in this sub region with these easy steps!
Struggling to find all of the sonance caskets in Hallowed Reach? Here they are!
Explore the whole peninsula and get every single Sonance Casket within!
Explore this massive fortress and its surroundings to get all the Sonance Caskets.
Find these musical bugs scattered all around Rinascita’s sub regions!
Where do you find these types of enemies in Wuthering Waves’ new region?
Find all of the treasure chests hidden in the Averardo Vault for some free loot!
Find all of the chests in the Fagaceae Peninsula by checking this guide out!
Loot every chest within the Penitent’s End Treasure Spots with our help!
What do you do with all of these Sonance Caskets? Bring them here, of course!