Day 3 of the Resonating Visions event introduces a new area where you can obtain several new Phantasmal Conches.
Apart from players now being able to obtain Fischl for free, they can also get her free outfit. However, they’ll need to obtain Phantasmal Conches for...
The Golden Apple Archipelago has 3 precious chests you can obtain after completing a puzzle. However, solving it won’t be as easy as it sounds.
Fischl is a really powerful character on her own, but with the right team composition, you can even further maximize her already strong abilities.
If you want to get more money by finding treasure in Dinkum, you must know how to use the Metal Detector!
The Pudding Isle Pressure Plates puzzle is a new puzzle available in the Golden Apple Archipelago in version 2.8.
The quest “As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared” will task you with investigating the surroundings and looking for a way to open the locked door.
The Cloudleisure Steps puzzle is a platform puzzle that you can find in the Golden Apple Archipelago in Genshin Impact’s newest 2.8 update.
The Blessed Feather and the Soaring Feather are two amazing yet hidden armors in Sunbreak. Chances are, you might have missed them in your first playthrough.
The L Pocket is a pretty useful mechanic in Rune Factory 5. However, only a few people actually know its importance and how to use it.