Fischl’s Domain is one of the main attractions in Genshim Impact’s 2.8 Summer Fantasia update, and you need to help rebuild her castle.
The Nightwatch Contract is used as a gift for Raven Statues found on Twinning Isle in the Golden Apple Archipelago, and you can find them all...
One of the mechanics in Fischl’s Domain is utilizing the Gaze of the Deep to change the Night Raven’s Line of Sight to solve many puzzles.
The Anemo, Electro, and Geo Monument puzzles are three different puzzles in Pudding Isle that share the same mechanics and give amazing rewards each.
The Central Camp Image: 2 location has become available on Day 3 of Resonating Visions, and it contains one Misplaced Conch in a certain area.
Day 3 of the Resonating Visions event introduces a new area where you can obtain several new Phantasmal Conches.
Apart from players now being able to obtain Fischl for free, they can also get her free outfit. However, they’ll need to obtain Phantasmal Conches for...
The Golden Apple Archipelago has 3 precious chests you can obtain after completing a puzzle. However, solving it won’t be as easy as it sounds.
Fischl is a really powerful character on her own, but with the right team composition, you can even further maximize her already strong abilities.
You can get the Day 2 Echoing Conch inside Kazuha's Domain in Genshin Impact.